Melrose Bickerstaff : Why did people hate her on ANTM?

Why did people hate her on ANTM?

Cycle 7 was so long ago i cant remember what she was like on the show. What did she do to make so many people hate her?

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Re: Why did people hate her on ANTM?

She was strong competition who was more concerned with winning than making friends. The judges, particularly the J's were particularly aware of that. Also the editors did their best to s238how her at her worst. After the show ended, Eugenia said she liked MelRose, they were just at odds during the show.
Mind you, she's one of my two all time favorite models on Top Model.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.

Re: Why did people hate her on ANTM?

i think she should have won!

To Die Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure!

Re: Why did people hate her on ANTM?

she should have won. She was strong competition, and people fear that, and I never saw anyone who the other girls said was fake. If anything youd see more quickly caridee trashing melrose than melrose trashing her.

Im curious cause in imdb it says she change between agencies in 07.

Re: Why did people hate her on ANTM?

"and I never saw anyone who the other girls said was fake."

You obviously were not watching the show then dumbass. Eugena called Melrose fake.
Melrose was also hated by Megg, AJ and Anchal who Melrose bullied and was extremely jealous of.

Re: Why did people hate her on ANTM?

Assuming that dumbass was directed at me, I'm only repeating what Eugena said in interviews. You have to know that careful editing can make anyone look bad. And as for your Troll remark, you're the only one who fits the definition.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.

Re: Why did people hate her on ANTM?

Ignore all these trolls. She was hated because she was an insecure bully who went around picking on other girls to make herself feel better and she was a sore pathetic loser who acted like a spoiled brat when she didn't win. She was also the least attractive girl the show has ever had. It was a joke that she even got picked to begin with.

Re: Why did people hate her on ANTM?

Bad-edit. Basically. Everyone is convinced Melrose is a bitch over some silly comments she made to Anchal (For example, when Anchal asked why she weighed so much but was so flexible, Melrose mentioned that it's Cardio, not flexibility, that burned calories. Which was apparently a bitchy thing to say roll.gif How DARE she try to give Anchal advice!)

She didn't do anything wrong. She was by far the best model of the bunch and was isolated by the other girls for being strong competition. CariDee was far faker IMO, I saw Cari bashing Melrose far more than I saw Melrose bashing CariDee

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