Politics : Poll: Which of the Last 10 Presidential Elections was the Most Heartbreaking for You ?

Which of the Last 10 Presidential Elections was the Most Heartbreaking for You ?

Which 1 of the Last 10 U.S. Presidential Elections was the Most Heartbreaking for you yourself in every way, shape, and form ?

Here is the List of the Last 10 Elections (in order going forwards) in the Poll below.

1976 - Carter def. Ford
0% 0 votes
1980 - Reagan def. Carter
0% 0 votes
1984 - Reagan def. Mondale
0% 0 votes
1988 - Bush def. Dukakis
0% 0 votes
1992 - Clinton def. Bush
0% 0 votes
1996 - Clinton def. Dole
0% 0 votes
2000 - Bush def. Gore
0% 0 votes
2004 - Bush def. Kerry
0% 0 votes
2008 - Obama def. McCain
0% 0 votes
2012 - Obama def. Romney
0% 0 votes
2016 - Trump def. Clinton
0% 0 votes
2020 - Biden def. Trump
0% 0 votes
I Don't Know
0% 0 votes

Re: Which of the Last 10 Presidential Elections was the Most Heartbreaking for Y

2020, when democracy died. We won't let it happen again in 2024.