The Soapbox : Poor Thirsty

Poor Thirsty

I can't watch. Poor Jags. :(

Re: Poor Thirsty

London will not hold fond memories for the Jaguars. no.gif

So sorry, Thirsty.

They can still turn it around, right? Ohhhh.

Re: Poor Thirsty


This ain't right. no.gif

Poor little Shew Shew and the Jags.

Re: Poor Thirsty

Maybe Zooey Deschanel can bring Minshew shew shew luck.


Re: Poor Thirsty

Love that movie.

Anything with Morrissey is 20/10

Hep: "I'll post a topless picture if you do the same ;)"

Re: Poor Thirsty

Oh yeah, the elevator part is cute. I sent you the YouTube of that exact Smiths song when we were talking about them once last spring.

Re: Poor Thirsty

A movie needs Hans to reach god mode tho

Hep: "I'll post a topless picture if you do the same ;)"

Re: Poor Thirsty

Aww, maybe that will bring little Thirsty and the Jags luck.

Oh god, I think I'm using "little" now like I use cutie. Hmm, better get rebooted. Go ahead and push the red button on top of the plunger so I can start again.(<–The Good Place humor)

Re: Poor Thirsty

What is ‘Jags’? Are they a softball team?

Hep: "I'll post a topless picture if you do the same ;)"

Re: Poor Thirsty

Awwww. kiss.gif

The Jacksonville Jaguars are NFL.

Re: Poor Thirsty

Is that hockey?

Hep: "I'll post a topless picture if you do the same ;)"

Re: Poor Thirsty


It's American football, just in case you're not taking the piss.

Re: Poor Thirsty

Only one sport should be allowed to use that word!

This was one of the greatest moments of my life:

Hep: "I'll post a topless picture if you do the same ;)"

Re: Poor Thirsty

Which one are you?


Re: Poor Thirsty

I’m on my phone and can’t read spoilers.

Obviously I’m the coloured one. Are you being deliberately obtuse?

Hep: "I'll post a topless picture if you do the same ;)"

Re: Poor Thirsty

I yam. I most definitely yam.

It was 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 under the spoiler bar.

Re: Poor Thirsty


It's probably gonna be 33-3, Texans, soon enough because of her singing. no.gif

Re: Poor Thirsty


She's a beauty. What's up with her parents spelling her name with 2 Os?

It looks like ZOOey when it's pronounced Zoey

Re: Poor Thirsty

Yeah, she's a pretty cool lady. They must have taken it from J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey; it's the only other way I've seen it spelled like that. Weird thing is, Zooey is actually a boy in that book! bigeek.gif

love10.gif *extra hugs*

Re: Poor Thirsty

You're right they did!

Salinger was a great novelist but a lousy speller laugh.gif
