The Soapbox : Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

Said the boot to the stepping stone

Alba gu bràth

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

And underemployed Scottish nationalist layabouts are 'the elite'? Compared to what, Albanians?

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Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

(bats long eyelashes)

But my question stands.

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

Goddamn, you're sexy. 💜

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

I like the term 'underemployed'

Describes my attitude towards a man's working life perfectly.

Kudos to you

Alba gu bràth

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

You are welcome, Mr. Top Tier!

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

Is that an Itty sock?

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

Am I a soapbox elite?


Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

Gtfo bitch.

😴👉i slept on the sidewalk by the side of the castle in the Magic Kingdom👈👸

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

lol no

You and this persona will disappear with this site. This is the last dance of PAGG

I love you in a way, PAGG. We have a long history together. But it's over for you.

Goodbye old friend.

Alba gu bràth

Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite

Bitch I’m a real life fatass. My story continues whether you like it or not.


Re: Only some people can be consider the elite… that's why they are the elite


*Sips premium black British tea from £2,000 tea cup*

Kamala 2024