The Soapbox : Okay, you whores, I gotta

Okay, you whores, I gotta

go have the rest of my Friday night.

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

Uhhh it's already motherfucking midnight.

What are you going to do…. get food at Denny's? laugh.gif

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

The game just ended, you social abortion, it's not even midnight. Who the **** goes out before midnight?

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

Who the **** goes out before midnight?

Normal people who don't stay awake until 10 am, you mental case.

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

What are you going to do
Probably Tinychat.

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta


Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

And stop making fun of ITTY for being poor. It's undignified.

Imma pumpkin!

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

I'm not a ****ing whore. none.gif

Happiness, coming and going. I watch you look at me, watch my fever growing. I know just who I am.

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta


Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta


Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

Your work here is done? misc1.gif

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

yes, lickface. i lick you now 😛 with both eyes open

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

long lick goodnight starring geena davis

do you know about the beatiful lesbian couple on the top of the London bus? horrible. beaten in the faces by male teen hooligans who were trying to make them put on a make out show.. arrested they are. cut their peepees off, gn

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta


Well, this is a tomb. I'll make them feel at home

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

very good, Croft, i salute you

what show is that? it's amking me nauseated. too much looping *barf*

Re: Okay, you whores, I gotta

Well, this is a tomb. I'll make them feel at home