Politics : Poll: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021

Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021

some pretty spooky stuff there, maynard
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oh lookit all the purty circles
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Re: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021

In the mid 1800s the Earth was just coming out of a 500 year period of an unusually cold climate known as the Little Ice Age, so it isn't surprising that temperatures began to increase since then.

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Re: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021

I'm supposed to care about a 1 degree change in 140 years?

Re: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021

I'll just run the air conditioner a little more, who gives a ****?

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Re: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021


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Re: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021


Yuk yuk yuk

Re: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021

We're doomed!!! Lol.

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Re: Climate Spiral: monthly global temperature anomalies 1880 to 2021

those are pretty circles tho ngl

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