Grey's Anatomy : Mid season premiere

Mid season premiere

There was an episode, and I had thoughts as I always do.

The format: I feel like I may be in the minority with this, but I like it when they do episodes focused on a small group like this. There have been times where they have upwards of 4 plots going on and because it's only 40 minutes of airtime, none of them get the time they deserve. I feel like this story was well developed and there were enough subplots to keep it interesting.

Continuity (error): first off, when Arizona said "what did prisoners ever do to you" or whatever it was to bailey, did anyone else think she was going to bring up the Death Row patient from Season 5? Especially since Bailey was working with Arizona during that time and tried to get Derek to kill him so that Jackson kid could have his organs. I mean, I know it's been a long time at this point but it would've been a nice throwback to seasons past. Also on this subject: why did they have to go to the hospital prison, but the death row patient and other violent prisoners got to go to the hospital? I mean I know to expect continuity from this show is a lot, but still

Jo: this is the Jo I've wanted to see since she got on this show. She is so good character when they give her a better identity than Alex's girlfriend. I really enjoyed watching her in this episodeshe was sincere, and almost Cristina esq in parts, and even when she wrongfully assumed this was a kid from the streets, she played off Kristen's story well. And that moment at the end was actually touching. I want this Jo on the show.

I also hope they make her go into neonatal (because what else does she do?) She connects well with these kinds of cases and I really enjoy how she and Arizona interact.

Re: Mid season premiere

I liked this episode a lot. I never thought of the season 5 prisoner, good catch! Arizona and Bailey barely knew each other then, so AZ wouldn't have necessarily known about Bailey's actions to get Jackson the organs from the prisoner. I don't see it as a continuity err. If you want to see continuity errs, trying watching Blue Bloods, oy vey!!

I did like Jo a lot during this episode and I agree. She has always shown an interest in Peds, so I could see her working in fetal med with AZ.

Google is your friend.

Re: Mid season premiere

That's true that they had just met. Still, it would've been nice to hear Bailey mention it, even to that Dr. Eldrige or whatever her name was. Still, I liked the episode regardless.

Re: Mid season premiere

They said what dud a patient ever do to her. How dies the death tow fit into that? The oatientvdud nothing to her. They were asking her what she had against prisoners, what they had done to her. The death rue case would make no sense at all to include.

Re: Mid season premiere

I'm just saying that Bailey, back then, saw the death row patient as somehow lesser than the kid she was trying to get organs for. She walked into the OR and asked Derek to stop operating on him so he would die, because she had determined on some level that it was okay for him to die, and thus that he was 'lesser' somehow. That sentiment could be why Bailey was so cagey when they got there.

Re: Mid season premiere

I loved it. My favorite episodes have always been when they focus on the patient stories and it mirrors what the drs are going through. Almost reminded me of season 2 when McDreamy decided to stay with Addison and they had that case where the girl and guy were stuck together with a pipe and they had to basically sacrifice the girl to save the guy, and Meredith flipped out in the OR about not abandoning the girl. I love the episodes that make me tear up a little.

Re: Mid season premiere

Yeah I love it when the patients are front and centre. And Jo, I've found, shines in eps like that. In the episode after Derek died, and jo dealt with those burn victims she did a great job. Or when she went above and beyond for the homeless vetwhen they give her a doctor's role first, before Making her main purpose as Alex's love interest, she's a good character.

Re: Mid season premiere

That was a GREAT episode! Definitely tugged your heart strings! This one got to me a little b/c I recently had a child and I felt so bad for the girl even though she was a murderer. Don't hurt me! hehe.

They need to stick with these great episodes. Although they have still had many viewers and have gotten awards, I still don't see it as great as it used to be for us.

Re: Mid season premiere

I really enjoyed this episode. I like these smaller group episodes too, they're sometimes my favorites. I feel like it helps me getter a better insight on the characters. With a cast as big as this shows, I think it's almost necessary for them to do these types of episodes lol.

I liked Arizona/Jo/Bailey as a group, I loved that last scene with them in the car! I'm glad Jo finally got some more focus. I've always liked Jo, but the writers don't treat her well, this is the type of stuff we need to see from her character. She can be more than Alex's girlfriend, hopefully the writers realize that.

I enjoyed the patient storyline too, definitely gonna be a memorable one.

Also, would anyone like to see Dr. Elridge again? lol I liked her

Re: Mid season premiere

I liked Eldrige' because of her no nonsense kind of approach. Plus I like it when people knock Bailey off her high horse. Bailey acts like she's the greatest thing ever and she's never wrong and because she's Shonda's in-show avatar, she always gets lauded as this "above everyone else" character and it's annoying. I like it when a character calls her out, and doesn't automatically worship at her feet.

I know it'll never happen, but I think it would be a cool storyline for GSM to pair up with the prison hospital and have their interns do like a rotation or something through there so we can see Eldrige again. They wouldn't have to actually be shown at the prison hospital, but they could bring high risk/court ordered cases with Eldrige to GSM. Having it once in a while could spice up the medicine side or the show.

Re: Mid season premiere

Do you want to know a spoiler (or rather a statement) about one of your comments?

Re: Mid season premiere


Re: Mid season premiere

The female prison Dr who interacted with Bailey is said to be Maggie's adoptive mother and they have pictures of the 2 of them together, so we will be seeing her again

Re: Mid season premiere

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Maggie's parents in Boston? That's where Ellis gave birth to Maggie. That's where Maggie was raised. Why would her mother be in Seattle, working in a prison? And if her parents were in Seattle, she would be seeing them from time to time.

Re: Mid season premiere

HmmI wonder if that's correct because -and I wouldn't put it past the writers to rewrite this history- it doesn't really go along with what we've been told about her parents. They're supposed to be kind and goofy and funremember the sturgeon surgeon singing telegram?and Eldrige doesn't seem very goofy. She seems like she'd be pretty serious with her job. Also, I seem to remember Maggie saying that her parents don't "get" what she does and why she loves it. If they were also doctors, or at least her mother was, they would.

Don't get me wrong. I can 100% see them doing this. But honestlyis doctor the ONLY profession in Seattle? It's getting a tad ridiculous haha

Re: Mid season premiere

That's BS

The female doctor in the last episode doesn't look like the actress in the photos at all.

Re: Mid season premiere

MY mistake, I was just going off some spoilers I read and that Maggies mother was coming to the hospital. They combined the 2 together

Re: Mid season premiere

I've gotten so tired of Bailey. What happened to her?! She needs to go back to her Nazi days! She's gotten too soft about some things and, like you said, too full of herself.

She's horrible as the Chief and needs to get replaced there. Just go back to surgery. Let someone else take that position who could do so much better!

Re: Mid season premiere

I will preface this by saying I have no idea how the prison system works. Looking at it from a medical point, Eric Stoltz's character was shanked (stabbed) in the spine and Rosanna Arquette's character swallowed razor blades. Those were life threatening injuries that required immediate care beyond the prisons' scope.

This patient wasn't due to deliver her baby and the twin wasn't going to be removed until delivery after separation. Again, I have no idea how prison care and funding works, but it seems cheaper to have the doctors go to the prison and Arizona complete the procedure in-house than transporting the patient to and from the hospital.

I enjoyed the episode. I like when Bailey is shown as human. She's usually so overconfident to the point of cocky, but she was scared. Of course, she showed her Bailey-ness with the allocating supplies comment. The lack of supplies reminded me of the episode with the Syrian doctors and their minimal supplies.

I agree. I would love to see an outreach program between the hospital and the prison. Alex could head the program.

Jo had a storyline! We finally learned more about her.

Arizona's prosthetic leg was shown, so that should buy a week without "what happened to Arizona's leg?"

Re: Mid season premiere

I liked it as well. You are right, it's better when they just focus on a few at a time instead of a bunch of parts in one episode. It may have even been better that we didn't have to deal with some parts of some characters that we don't like. However, although a lot are not happy with Jo, I also liked her in this one.

When Arizona asked Bailey what her deal was, I expected to get a shock and hear her say something happened that we didn't even know of. Like you, though, I also thought of the patient who also at first wanted to die and give his organs. He was sketchy with them.