WWE Raw : Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

In this last week, let's use this thread to highlight some of the, dumber, things on memory from this board.

Monday Night Flaw-This was a weekly thread that was meant to be a satirical recap of Raw. The only "jokes" were in the "brilliant" parody names like Jim Floss. The posts were mostly just your typical "what's wrong with WWE" post but done through interweb puppets in the most painfully unfunny manner possible. About the only credit I can give is that this was, indeed, kept going on a weekly basis for quite awhile. I don't know whether that should be credit for sticking to something, or credit for having the pain tolerance required to push out this lethal diarrhea on a weekly basis.

King Card's Court-Yes, we once had a poster with a faction of mostly sockpuppets and trolls who couldn't get over on their own coming together to pound their chests and post threads asking people to join them. They actually threatened to mass report people to get their accounts deleted, in order to frighten you into believing that being part of an internet message board gang trying to claim their turf is any more threatening than a gang of pre-schoolers trying to dominate their day care center's sandbox.

and I know there's plenty of others, but these two will do for a start.

'I don't make deals with someone pointing a gun at me.'
'A principle?'
'A Habit.'

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

King Card's Court-Yes, we once had a poster with a faction of mostly sockpuppets and trolls who couldn't get over on their own coming together to pound their chests and post threads asking people to join them. They actually threatened to mass report people to get their accounts deleted, in order to frighten you into believing that being part of an internet message board gang trying to claim their turf is any more threatening than a gang of pre-schoolers trying to dominate their day care center's sandbox.
I remember that. He'd PM me giving me some type of summons date to answer to his "court". Scoffed at it, I think he tried to threaten me or something, but nothing happened.

Giving you true posts since 2001 "Toot toot" - Charles Doyle Haas

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

He became a normal poster at some point didn't he? I think I recall a few posters that started out as trolls and then just dropped it after a while. If I remember correctly, Nice Guy Jon did something similar (but please don't jump all over me if I'm way off base on any of that).

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards


Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

Easy one:

Perfumy - demented, mentally challenged brooklyn-ite who just to make a weekly Raw review using real names. He had some kind of explosive anger problem. I think that came to a head when GSnistky and I think MTN told him they lived in NY and be happy to meet him. He backed off and vanished.

ABCD group - Guys had people like green teeth Uberto in it. Seem to make up awards for themselves and claimed to be a gang. Half of these people were alright though.

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

Uberto was the worst. I was pretty repulsed by him before I saw his blackface youtube video.

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

LOL wait, he had a blackface youtube video? I remember he use to brag about showing up on Raw and holding a sign up.

I remember him posting his picture on here and he had green and yellow teethlooked like a hobo.

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Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

ABCD group - Guys had people like green teeth Uberto in it. Seem to make up awards for themselves and claimed to be a gang. Half of these people were alright though.

I'm glad you threw that last line in because I had the same impression of them when I first joined, and most of them turned out to be nothing like I thought they were. They were really good people. BBSY, for example, I had a negative impression based on his behavior on the boards, but in PMing with him and getting to know him he actually turned out to be a good dude. Part of my fascination with jason's behavior is that every interaction I've ever had with Draven was very positive, so I really don't know why jason has such a vendetta against a good man like Draven. Christine was a real nice person, as were others I'm forgetting.

What I consider to be the "glory days" of this board ended when they left.

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

bbsy was pretty cool, I think he lived in Florida. Couldn't remember, had conversations with him in PMs and on board. Draven and Christine were elitist *beep* at time. Soon enough just didn't really have an issue with them afterwords. They made their own board which was cool, but I guess they moved to FB or whatever.

Who knows about Jason and Draven. Jason has been a loser typing in caps for at least 10 years now. I wouldn't be surprised if its just someones backup account living up to the character and being a dist.

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

SonofDork deserves a mention. I never did make his list of people who got Dorked. Which I still maintain had questionable wording. He was the same guy that swore up and down he looked identical to Randy Orton if I recall correctly.

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

Yep that was him, nobody ever let him live that one down.

Money in the Bank also deserves a mention, as mentioned beforehe hated women who turned him down on here and seemed to a passive aggressive troll. Never forget when he snapped on Cringe.

Guess you can add Kenton to Money in the Bank lore, because that was him.

Also another mention, Andyway1 aka "Raw, discuss" troll.

Re: Raw IMDB *beep* Awards

Uberto was the worst. I was pretty repulsed by him before I saw his blackface youtube video.

Didn't know that about Dumberto?. I remember he bashed Canada when they won the gold in hockey at the 2010 Winter Olympics. He was a huge (and first) Dolph Ziggler mark.

Gotta mention SJenkins (aka FreakyAdam) and his racist phantom trolling. He did it here, till someone busted him for it. Did it on YouTube when I called him out for using the N-bomb, by having his other accounts ask me what a racist is. Called him out on it when he came back here, then he vanished again (and for good). Would also constantly go on about Bill & Doug (YT vloggers from Texas who would lobby for TNA).

No one has brought him up, but Gheletic (sp?, *pronounced JellyTick). Seemed like an OK guy to me, but would constantly post "post a pic of yourself" threads, and his new girlfriend.

Giving you true posts since 2001 "Toot toot" - Charles Doyle Haas