The Killing : Turtlenecks, chapstick and smoking

Turtlenecks, chapstick and smoking

Oh my God. I k of its been said before but damn dry lips! I have an addiction to Blistex so that was painful to watch, though I understand Linden took zero care of herself.

Also it's funny how we didn't see her neck until season 2 I think! She was always wearing a Turtleneck

And finally what was up with all the smoking? The series was like promoting smoking, brainwashing the viewers!

Re: Turtlenecks, chapstick and smoking

Know*, not "k of"

Re: Turtlenecks, chapstick and smoking

Linden was suppose to be shown as a normal, fragile, flawed person. That means she wore plain clothes, didn't look physically immaculate (hence the chapped lips) and had a very human vice (smoking). She led a very stressful life, both privately and professionally, I was not surprised that she was a heavy smoker.

Re: Turtlenecks, chapstick and smoking

You're such a whinny little girl. Who cares about the smoking. He was a meth addict so smoking a cigarette calms him down. Jesus you people cry so damn much about smoking on a TV show, but not once complained about the raped and murdered teen. Stop being such a damn liberal brainwashed moron.

Re: Turtlenecks, chapstick and smoking

How about we leave us little girls out of it. This particular cry of "oh my god! I've been assaulted by being forced to watch a character smoke" - and then chose to continue even though smoking is bad and I've suffered the vapors at every incident- is particular to the same set that can't quite grasp the idea of a woman who doesn't wear makeup and chooses to wear actual warm clothing in a cold climate.

Re: Turtlenecks, chapstick and smoking

How weak would you have to be to be brainwashed by a show you electively watch? How old are you that you'd even say something so childish? People smoke. Good people smoke, even. Flawed, human, stressed out, exhausted, people smoke. And wear plain clothes- even though this was an homage to the original show. And they even- *gasp*- have chapped lips in the winter. Crazy, I know.