American Zeitgeist : 9/11 douchebaggery

9/11 douchebaggery

I was really into this until the 9/11 horse *beep* came into play. What a great way to murder a perfect film.
Agnostics watch the wars that Christians and Muslims start. -an agnosticme.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

why is it horse ****? do you prefer the horse **** the US governement feeds everyone with?

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

Use your *beep* brain.

Truth: a fact that has been verified.

loose change has been PROVEN to be *beep* I've watch loose change Zeitgeist, and manyo thers and NONE of them offer any proof what so ever. This being presented as "truth" is like me presnting the fact that kennedy was killed by smurfs as proof. I don't like the current admin at all, but for you and everyone else to openly lie to bring it down makes everyone who doesn't like him look like chumps.

DO you know what all those videos lack? Common sense. lets think about this, Nixon couldn't get away with 5 guys in one room tapping the democrats lines. Bill couldn't get away with a simple headjob in the oval office between him and one other person. But you expect people to believe that Bush and hundreds of thousands of people could carry this out and not get caught? lol

look at the numbers. it would take

30-100 people to wire up the trade center buildings.
400 to operate the ship that "fired the cruise missle" at the pentagon
400 people at least to cover all this up. Not to mention a place ot hide the planes that were supposedly used.
100 planning this attack.

thats 1000 people. Now, lok at the national averages for a second. Statistics say that out of these 1000 people half are married. of those 500 that are married half of them ended in divorce after 5 years. Now, you have at least 250 newly single women. Lets not forget that 25% of all newly devorced women are bankrupt. so you have at least 75 women who are bankrupt with a family to feed.

You expect me to believe the husbands of all of these 75 women didn't say a word about their involvement in the worlds biggest "coverup" you're telling me that 75 women who need money and are sitting on top of the biggest story on the planet choose to keep quiet? you honestly believe that 75 women who could make BILLIONS of dollars will remain quiet?

Use your *beep* head. I don't like Bush, i never have but don't be part of the liar machine to make him look bad. If you want to make him look bad, you've got enough stuff that he's done wrong(imo) to talk about it for years and decades. there is nothing more damning to the anti-Bush types than looking like complete and total *beep* I'm getting to the point that I think a lot of these people are sitting around in foil hats waiting for the reptilian race to take their brain. Jesus.

Its not an either or situation. Just because one idea is total *beep* doesn't mean I believe the other.

Agnostics watch the wars that Christians and Muslims start. -an agnosticme.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

but the main point you guys need to realize is that all the major 20th century wars were precipitated by bull^^^^ in order to make people money because money is the power. why would the war in iraq / war on terror be any less disingenuous?

i think we're at the point now where the average american should be able to perceive the myths perpetuated in order to justify war. i mean vietnam was sick and to this day in question as to its merit. and while thankfully the disaster that is the war in iraq is no where near the level of wanton sacrifice that was vietnam, the movie raises some good questions as to the ethical difference - if any - that it represents.

you don't have to be a cynic to recognize that all war is about power and all power is derived from money. i appreciate the movie's philosophy.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

My friendthe only argument you have and use, is that you can't believe that there are ways to do this without getting away with it If you take that argument away, there is nothing left to stop you from not-believing this, right?

Scary eh? All evidence shows that Bin Laden/Al Quada couldn't have done this. All circumstancial evidence shows that a lof of things are fishy.

But for you it's *beep* coz your belief system (!! I didn't read any facts, just disbelief in your post) doesn't allow you to accept that there could be ways to do this

Use your imaginationthere are ways to do this If some organization is sick enough to butcher 6000 people in the WTC disaster, why would they stop at that number. They could have killed the 400 people they used for it. Or, maybe some friendly nation helped out?

Who's to say Bin Laden isn't still on the CIA payroll?

Think outside the box. When it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, chances areit's a duck!

Oh, and watch footage of Bush and Cheney together. If Cheney takes a sip of water, Bush stops talking :-)

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

"If Cheney takes a sip of water, Bush stops talking"

oh, i gotta watch for that.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

you guys have way too much free time, especially for dumb responses like this, jeez, come on.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

Just out of curiosity but what evidence shows that Bin Laden and/or Al Qaeda could not have been behind 9/11?

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

None, just like there is none to show that it was them behind it.

You just got to ask one simple question, who profits from 911. Do some research, find out who profited from 911 and why 911 happened.

Some things will become clear.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

Well USA profits out of every war in the world because they are the biggest arms dealer. Does this mean USA has been responsible for every war in the world?

You can argue Bush had a motivation just as much as Bin Laden but without concrete evidence you aren't really saying anything.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

"Well USA profits out of every war in the world because they are the biggest arms dealer. Does this mean USA has been responsible for every war in the world?"

USA doesn't profit from the wars, a few american corporation including some others profit from the war. Look at our (US) debt.

"You can argue Bush had a motivation just as much as Bin Laden but without concrete evidence you aren't really saying anything."

Bush is a mere puppet, it's the puppetmasters behind the scenes you have to be aware of. Plus Bush and Bin Laden both get the paychecks from the same pot, essentially work for the same side.

I think we agreed on the fact that wars are profitable and hence most if not all are fought for that reason, money. Now if you have some primal intelligence you can deduct from that logic that no normal human being would enter a war and fight his neighbor on that pretense, money. So to start a war they need covert operations, to get people to think they are being threatened, exactly what 911, bombing of pearl harbor, burning of the reichstag, sinking of the lusithania, and all others do.

Ths is known as problem, reaction, solution.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

where are you getting these numbers (amount of people needed to perform certain tasks) from? they seem like arbitrary guesswork. more importantly, have you not heard of the manhattan project? it required the secrecy of thousands upon thousands of participants. i suggest you do some research. why do you think the footage of the pentagon being attacked was immediately seized? for reasons of "national security"? do i even have to elaborate how absolutely fcking insane that sounds? im gonna not insult your intelligence and assume that the answer is no. i
find it funny that you say that the crucial thing this video lacks is "common sense." did the central concept of the movie, nay the very TITLE, elude you?

if 50 years from now, we are all microchipped and afraid to breathe without our oligarch masters' permission, im hunting you down and kicking your ass.


Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

The thinking you use in this is post even worse than the film's.

Seriously, 75 women? That's all you could come up with?

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

You are a *beep*

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

Well, I'm going to list a few things that come to mind when I've heard of the conspiracies:

Bush/Bin Laden family connection. We know this one is there, that's a fact. Hell, even Prescott sold stuff to the Nazis and got away with it.

NYPD and FDNY personnel reporting explosions at sites that weren't affected, this includes tower 7.

Warnings ahead of time.

and many more.

Now, I'm not saying that planes weren't used, what I'm saying is that Bush knew and stepped aside to let them do it. Let's remember the fact that the Pax Americana and the Project for a New American Century called for something like this to create an American Empire, which has been used as a term on the White House website. Ever since, we get daily scarings and more power abuses from a guy who said he wanted to be a dictator.

Hitler once said that the best lies were the biggest, because they were the hardest ones to accept.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

You expect me to believe the husbands of all of these 75 women didn't say a word about their involvement in the worlds biggest "coverup" you're telling me that 75 women who need money and are sitting on top of the biggest story on the planet choose to keep quiet? you honestly believe that 75 women who could make BILLIONS of dollars will remain quiet?

I'm going to use a made up number just as you have, to make a point.

Let's say there are 75 women that have problems feeding their family, that were married to the men who somehow contributed to the attacks. Let's say 20 of those women try and tell the world what they know.

Do you honestly believe that the voices of these women will be believed? Do you honestly believe people would take them seriously, after being brainwashed by the media already? Do you honestly believe that these women would be payed more by the media or whoever than the people that were behind the attacks (the high authorities)? Do you honestly believe making a point in such a way (making numbers up and using statistics to 'strenghten' them) can make anyone believe you're right?

Think about it.

EDIT: Just so you know, I'm not sure what to believe really happened on 9/11 and frankly I don't really care that much. There are bigger issues to be uncovered - this is just one, extremely hard way, to prove the administration and the ones behind the administration are wrong. I haven't done any research, but I have a brain that works for itself.

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

9/11 was just the latest in a series of Islamic Extremist attacks, going all the way back to Conquest of Sindh in 644 A.D.

-Chinese Pride-

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

You don't have to be a genius to do one thing. Follow the money.

You also don't have be a genius to realize threat of death will silence most people, but perhaps even better threat of financial ruin, for not only you but your family as well.

If you are a living breathing American and still don't have a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, then you simply have given up or you never cared at all. You are ignoring everything outside your cozy life and your familiar commercial products you surround yourself with.

American's are pre-programmed to an insane extent. We are entertained to the hilt and obsessed over things that truly aren't important. We have lost all sense of self, in its truest form. The general population simply finds it difficult to try anything new. This includes things as simple as experimenting with new foods to craziest of the craziest, exploring foreign cultures.

I feel as if most people who share these thoughts are older or "established" in their lives. By that time they are usually strapped with a mortgage and family, and are too afraid to make a change - to actually act rather then talk.

This movie does effectively hit many topics that are definitely fact. However, there are a lot of assumptions and falsehoods as well. But, keeping in mind when you get pissed you tend to sway the truth to your side, no matter what side youre on.

This movie is good for one thing. Breaking people out of there own personal mental cages they have been living in. The nice clean, bacterial free cage where everything is already planned out and nothing new will come along to disturb the awesomely repetitive schedules we are all on. Where alarm clocks wake us up to our pre-determined feeding times, followed by daily rituals performed better and more rigorously then the religious rituals some of us partake in on holy days.

The greatest point of the movie is its ability to open up the eyes of some, and allow them to realize that its ok to think differently from the rest. Its hard to do though, its hard to break away from what is comfortable.

When we do break away, human nature should take its course. Breaking away will only work if we as individuals are willing to continue on educating, pushing, and exploring ourselves without reverting back to the mundane comforts, and the ever seducing "easy way" that we are surrounded by.

I hope and still have faith that we can do it. We should be using our countries power and its gifted people to propel the world into a new age of understanding and exploration rather then ripping it apart for profit and absolute power for the few.

Watch the movie, research, read and educate yourself.

Regarding this movie:

Re: 9/11 douchebaggery

Excellent reply, ecincotta, well put.

I live down under and the general image we get of Americans is a bunch of over fed, over entertained, under educated, unmotivated, uninformed sheep.
This is what we see and read in the media.

The Land of the Free is becoming the land of the spoon-fed.

I wonder how other media see the Australians and New Zealanders???

Anyway, the move may have been full of factual errors, but maybe people are starting to wake up and question the authorities.

About time.

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