The View : National Prayer Breakfast

National Prayer Breakfast

Trump used is speech at the National Prayer Breakfast to mock the ratings of his old show, The Apprentice." He also took time to slam Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Why should these types of actions even surprise anyone anymore? Almost everything that comes out of his mouth, and most of his actions are so horrific, I'm almost becoming immune. It's unbelievable that he used a prayer meeting to advertise for his show. It's obvious that putting down Arnold was just a ratings grab. I'm pretty sure that using the Presidency to promote your own business interests is against the law, but in the short time he's been President, he's done it countless times. Even though he stepped down as host, he is still profiting from it. He even promoted his wife's tacky QVC jewelry collection.

And on a side note, If you donated to the Trump campaign, you may be eligible to sue the Donald's huge estate for fraud, mental duress, and damages. Please contact: law firm to find out if you qualify Do It Now!!

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

An absolute disgrace to our country. Where was the Christian movement denouncing him for taking what should have been a rather healing, unifying, serious occasion to mock his rival and brag about himself?

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

pvdSoooo true! But this is exactly what an opportunistic narcissist would do. How can any of us expect DT to resist himself?

andre"I'm almost becoming immune." Please resist doing so! Good people of this nation, liberal, conservative, and independent alike need to stay alert, sensitive, and determined.

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

They hail Trump as having been sent by God, even though he is a serial adulterer and sexual assaulter. They claim to be for "family values" but support a father who brags about never having changed a diaper. They approve of everything this supposed Christian does, even though he has never asked God for forgiveness. They are blind to all this, so of course they are going to dismiss his lack of respect for the prayer breakfast.

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

LMAO at all this "outrage". All of you are the SAME people who constantly mock and want to get rid of prayer - and now you are spinning this to feign "outrage" over the "disgrace" of what happened at a prayer event, in an attempt to discredit Trump once again. Stop with the faux outrage and offense. You people are beyond ridiculous.

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

Yeah, cause we all know how religious trump has been through out his life.

WTF does Arnold, Celebrity Apprentice and its ratings have to do with religion? I'll tell you, SFA!


Re: National Prayer Breakfast

cause we all know how religious trump has been through out his life.

He hasn't been. That is the point - so why are you all so "outraged" about it to begin with. If anything, you liberals should be embracing Trump on this issue, because he cares as much about religion and prayer as you do.

WTF does Arnold, Celebrity Apprentice and its ratings have to do with religion? I'll tell you, SFA!

Since when have you even cared about religion and prayer yourself? So why does it upset you then what Trump did?

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

Since when have you even cared about religion and prayer yourself?

Sorry, deflecting does not work with me. If you can't answer my question, stfu!


Re: National Prayer Breakfast

Attacking other posters is all these people have. They don't talk about the topics.

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

Yup, and then if you do it they feign outrage.


Re: National Prayer Breakfast

you are the only one deflecting, because I addressed your question clearly. Perhaps you should focus on what is going on in "Canada" instead of trying to get involved in real issues. That seems to be more your speed, cupcake.

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

The alternative facts are strong with this trumpette


Re: National Prayer Breakfast

The left cares about religion and prayer only when they can be used to prop up their phony outrage. Just like they "care' about women's rights yet attack every female conservative or Republican.

This is more leftist opinion without knowing the FACTS! I listened to what Trump said. He actually said something like "Let's pray for the show's ratings."

Well it WAS a prayer breakfast! You can pray for anything. It was done in a typical Trump tongue in cheek way that the humorless left does NOT get. (went right over their self righteous little heads) It was funny. Trump's old boss from Celebrity Apprentice, Mark Burnett was at the breakfast. It seemed like an inside joke and a nod to his old boss from the show. So freaking what? Have you folks lost your funny bones along with your brains??

Of course MSNBC had to race to get a quote from Arnold. Now he's back on their good side. The left sure did their best to mock HIM as a Republican. Now the former governor makes a crack at Trump and he's their pal.

Never saw such a bunch of diaper wetting, humorless, little crybabies! The left thought it was funny when their sainted Pres. Obama attacked Donald Trump at the Correspondent's Dinner a few years ago. Yeah, that was a real giggle fest. The President of the USA attacking a private citizen. Everyone laughed it off, except Trump of course. He just looked grim and took Obama's job! LOL

Interesting to note though, while there can be a NATIONAL Prayer breakfast and politicians can pray, some high school coaches have tried to lead their teams in a short prayer before a game and the ACLU and the rest of the left spout righteous indignation about the "separation of church and state" while peeing their pants over the possibility that some Americans take their faith seriously.

The two faced phoniness of the left is just staggering in its stupidity.

Facts are not liberals strong suit. Rhetoric is. Thomas Sowell

Re: National Prayer Breakfast

I don't give two shytes about prayer. I don't need a middle man (religion) for me to believe in God.

The right only seem to care about religion when it suits them. They couldn't care less that trump is the farthest thing from a religious man.
