The Da Vinci Code : Rosslyn Chapel? (spoilers)

Rosslyn Chapel? (spoilers)

No doubt, not too long ago, there was a thread about this. Never mind, I'll ask again, and hope I get an answer before The Big Scrub.

I'm confused as to why the story takes a diversion to Rosslyn Chapel, and wonder if someone can make sense of it for me.

1) So Langdon interprets the clue from Newton's cryptex as meaning Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. Why does he say this means the Grail has "gone home"?

2) Langdon and Neveu seem to get to Rosslyn in the same afternoon unlikely, but OK but when the caretaker seems to recognise Sophie and calls his co-conspirators, why do they turn out to be the Priory of Sion, which is a French organisation (allegedly) intended to guard the legacy of the Merovingian dynasty, and why are they living in Scotland, but all still have French accents?

3) And if Rosslyn Chapel is a false lead the tomb of the Magdalene may have been there once, but certainly isn't now why are they still there? Why aren't they back in Paris, guarding the current location of her tomb? (And her descendent?)

4) Lastly, how did the reconstruction of the plaza outside the Louvre manage to incorporate a crypt for the Magdalene's tomb, without anyone knowing about it? Or finding it?

Thanks for any thoughts.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.