To Be Fat Like Me : *spoiler* I didn't like the ending *spoiler*
Re: *spoiler* I didn't like the ending *spoiler*
I agree, but I think they wanted to potray the bigger person as bitter and in real life like the documentary project girl said could she really invite Ramona in her circles of friends?? Or would it just be her and George all the time and I think ramona knew that and she didn't want to put herself through that and at the table when they first met for studying allison noticed Ramona like George and it would've been uncomfortable, because she felt he like the chubby ally and even more so the athletic ally. Even though Ally might have been sincere what did they really have in common, because ally looked down on her brother's and mother's weight and what they put in they mouth so imagine what she would of done with Ramona whether she knew it or not and she did not like to eat and I thought she was a candidate for a eating disorder she never really ate a meal. I also thought the movie potrayed every big person as emotional eaters who ate big meals all the time when that is not the case with all big people speaking from experience as a big woman we don't drown our sorrows in food. Interesting enough it's socially accepted for people to drink, smoke, drugs, but be big it's like you are not human. I'm not saying that being unhealthy is ok, but no one wants to big so people need to stop this whole if you don't exercise thing there are people who work out, but can't lose weight be careful what say or how you judge, because it may be you are your child that have to eat those words up meaning you may have a child that is overweight and you are forced to see things differently.
Re: *spoiler* I didn't like the ending *spoiler*
That is exactly whay I thought too!
Re: *spoiler* I didn't like the ending *spoiler*
While I understand why the writers decided to write the ending like that, I also didn't like that part of the ending. I felt that the characters of Ally and Romana should have received some closure between each other.
Re: *spoiler* I didn't like the ending *spoiler*
If Ali were to end up with George she would only further piss off Ramona, who had a crush on him.
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*spoiler* I didn't like the ending *spoiler*
I also think Aly should of gone on to date George, and not her jock boyfriend from school. This would of made a much better ending.
I Love George Clooney.
I love the RED SOX!!!!!!!