The Bachelor : Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

If the show doesn't get cancelled-.

Re: Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

She's way too boring.

Re: Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

I was literally about to write the same thing. She may be a decent person (if not sort of dense what with that bizarre story about her ex) but she is boring as hell. She isn't *that* pretty, she doesn't have a particularly good body, she seems half asleep all the time, there is just nothing interesting about her. I'm sure I sound mean but realistically this is not someone who stands out in any way and she is just too "average" and "normal."

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"

Re: Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

She may be a decent person (if not sort of dense what with that bizarre story about her ex) but she is boring as hell. She isn't *that* pretty, she doesn't have a particularly good body, she seems half asleep all the time, there is just nothing interesting about her.

Agreed. It's going to be Rachel. Sorry, bobby nynex!

Re: Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

I hope it's Rachel.

Re: Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

It's going to be announced tonight that it is Rachel

You never won’t know what you can’t achieve until you don’t achieve it-21JumpST

Re: Danielle M should be the Bachelorette

shes black, it wont happen. she also has stink breath.
