Lost : One HUGE unanswered question

One HUGE unanswered question

Whatever became of the kidnapped tail section passangers? We know the others kidnapped them, but the show never explained why the others took them or whether they were going to send them home or not. If they were going to keep them on the Island, then they seemed pretty relaxed about it when Jack saw them outside his prison cell in S3. What are your thoughts?

The Heroes Journey -

Re: One HUGE unanswered question

They joined The Others. As you pointed out, Cindy, Emma and Zack are shown outside the bear cages in S3. Then they are shown in S6 still being Others. This is also explained in dialogue by Ben and Goodwin. So this seems more like a small answered questioned.

Re: One HUGE unanswered question

Good questionigating.

Shut up talking spaceship! I'm trying to watch my favorite sci-fi show.

Re: One HUGE unanswered question

Good explanagating.

Re: One HUGE unanswered question

Those minor characters, particularly the children, their actions made little to no sense in the latter part of the show. I found them to be pretty useless along with all of the other 'others' at the temple. Cindy had no problem with letting Dogen and that Lennon looking guy wanting to shoot Jack, Kate, Hurley, etc. No protest, no pleas, nothing.

This is where the show disappointed me greatly, except for a few episodes or parts of episodes in season 6.