American Restoration : someone mentions 'beer' in every episode

someone mentions 'beer' in every episode

I think that there is an inside joke on the set. I noticed that somebody mentions "beer" in every episode. If you listen for it, you will notice it too.

"Momma told me not to come."

Re: someone mentions 'beer' in every episode

Betting a beer is more enticing than betting money in a place like that. Actually it's more enticing in a lot of places that I've worked. I used to use it on my cabling crews on Friday's to get more work done.

1 Baker 11, in pusuit of 1973 yellow Mustang license number 614 Henry Sam Ocean

Re: someone mentions 'beer' in every episode

I just wanna say you have the best signature I've seen, kallsop. Halicki was great.

A joke is a very serious thing

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Re: someone mentions 'beer' in every episode

That's because Kowboy is nothing but a beer guzzling lush. I can't stand him.

Re: someone mentions 'beer' in every episode

I love Kowboy, sure he is gruff, and doesn't mince words, but he is honest and shoots from the hip. The part about the cat showed that he has a soft spot.

As for drinking, people who work hard all day, may need a cold one after work, it doesn't mean they all sit around and get loaded. This show actually seems more real to me than Pawn Stars, you see them working, after the camera's stop running it makes me actually beleive they continue to work. It also feels like they are the same people camera's on or off.

If anybody knows differently, please post it.