The Bye Bye Man : Troll's trashing movies now…

Troll's trashing movies now…

IMDB, should come down hard on this carry on. A couple of morons with a lot of ID's is all it takes.

Re: Troll's trashing movies now…

Now? This has been going on for years!

Re: Troll's trashing movies now…

Are you talking about this movie in particular? I don't see a lot of trolling on this board. I see people who's brains developed past the age of 5, saw a crap movie, and then decided to trash it. Rightfully so.

Re: Troll's trashing movies now…

it isnt trolls when the movie is absolute garbage.

Re: Troll's trashing movies now…

Thanks, Captain Obvious. If you are talking about this gawd-awful excuse for a movie, every movie reviewer imaginable is trashing this "dumpster fire" as well.

Carry on for justice, Snowflake.

Goat at Ruthless Reviews

Re: Troll's trashing movies now…

I agree. I was not IN LOVE with this film. It was decent. I didn't connect to any of the characters except the big brother and the niece. And it lost, for the most part, its itensity and suspense for the last half of the movie. At least for me. But overall it was a good looking production, the music was rather effective, and the first 45 minutes were actually really scary. I gave it a 6/10. And I could understand someone else liking it a lot more.

That being said, I really question people who waste their valuable time hanging around somewhere to trash a movie they hated (I haven't seen it as much here, but on other boards). I might leave a review, but that's it. And for movies I hate I rarely even do that because no one needs that negativity. Seriously, go do something positive ffs. Not trash something someone spent 6 months or a year working on. This movie had some redeeming qualities. So a 3 rating is ridiculous.

Re: Troll's trashing movies now…

I'm not sure what movie you watched.. This movie was garbage. In every single way. The writing most of all was atrocious.