A Dog's Purpose : should we all delete our accounts in retaliation?

should we all delete our accounts in retaliation?

not sure if it would do anything though.

Re: should we all delete our accounts in retaliation?

Apparently board users are a miniscule, VERY tiny minority of IMDB users, so we don't count for squat, and it wouldn't make any difference.

Re: should we all delete our accounts in retaliation?

No, keep the account. By denying people the chance to opine on a particular movie, show, actor, etc., IMDB's shut down on free speech will open the market to alternative sites where all opinions are welcomed. This is the future trend. Twitter, FB, YT and the various news sites fail to understand that by shutting down comments they are creating a vacuum that will be filled by entities not dominated by left wing ideologies. In the long run, it's good for the market, the economy and the free speech movement.
So no, don't delete anything.
It's We the People that keep these sites running. Shut down our voices and learn the hard way how the free market works. That's my message to IMDB.