A Dog's Purpose : Join PETA and boycott
Re: Join PETA and boycott
PETA are hypocrite bastards who kill "rescued" Dogs & Cats by the thousands every year.
Re: Join PETA and boycott
You are mixing up PETA and the Humane Society. However PETA are still a bunch of idiots that if they had their way, no one would eat meat, own pets or have ANY animals in ANY movie. They have gone on record as saying all animals should be CGI in all movies. That just peoves how stupid they are.
Re: Join PETA and boycott
Lets boycott the theaters
Re: Join PETA and boycott
There is no reason to boycott the theaters. This movie was created with animal safety in mind, and the video going around was clipped in a manner to suggest abuse BY PETA, they fabricate abuse to get donations and have even stolen a healthy dog off someone's front porch and put it down. Please do your research.
Boycotting this movie will do more harm than good, the movie did nothing wrong, that dog was rewarded and being trained for the stunt, PETA is framing a false narrative like they always do.
Please know what you're actually supporting. PETA is known for killing and torturing animals purposely to spread lies. Don't support the needless suffering of animals and ruin a movie's rating for a process safer than tons of well known movies involving animals throughout history.
Boycotting this movie will do more harm than good, the movie did nothing wrong, that dog was rewarded and being trained for the stunt, PETA is framing a false narrative like they always do.
Please know what you're actually supporting. PETA is known for killing and torturing animals purposely to spread lies. Don't support the needless suffering of animals and ruin a movie's rating for a process safer than tons of well known movies involving animals throughout history.
Re: Join PETA and boycott
However PETA are still a bunch of idiots
PETA are worse than any "bunch of idiots." They are evil. They subject animals to torture and have been convicted of stealing animals from people and murdering them. They firmly believe all animals are "Better Off Dead!" (that's their motto). Their activists must suffer from some kind of sadistic personality disorder, or perhaps they just love money, like some other fake charities that suck money out of a gullible public and spend it on themselves. For some of PETA's atrocities, go to petakillsanimals.com
I liked the book very much and will probably see the film when it comes to a smaller theater near me, though I suspect that, like a lot of other book-to-film adaptations, it won't be as good as the book. In this case, the book really took you into experiencing the world as a dog - scents, sounds, etc. - and the film, being a visual medium, will not be able to convey this so well. There's also a sequel to the book that wraps the storyline up in a very satisfactory way. It's called A Dog's Journey and carries on from the end of the first book.
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Join PETA and boycott