Priceless : Crying out for a re-make?

Crying out for a re-make?

Don't get me wrong I loved this movie but the sad thing is a lot of US and UK movie goers will never get to see it just because of the subs.
I would like to see Audrey Tautou keep her part, the male lead an actor of your choice and set in the american equivalent of the south of France.
Past movies have made it quite clear that this is never a good idea but you never know.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

"set in the american equivalent of the south of France. "

That's the problem there. I can imagine this movie takes place in other parts of Europe but not America.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Remake? Oh come on. It's not so difficult to read the subs! Just try!

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

I agree! People shouldn't be so LAZY! English remakes are very rarely as charming as their foreign-language originals. "No Reservations", for example.

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

I enjoyed this film a lot but I'm not really crazy about movies with subtitles either. It's not that I'm lazy, it's rather easy to read the subtitles and after watching for a little while you don't even realize you're doing it.

The problem, however, is I find that when reading the subtitles I sometimes miss something subtle in the film such as a facial expression because I happened to be reading a subtitle at the moment. Other times I get really engrossed in looking at something in the scene and totally miss the subtitle so I have to rewind a bit just to read it.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

i agree 100%

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

It can be difficult in a theatre when a short person sits behind someone taller. It also makes it harder to see what is going on if the dialog and action is fast and you have to keep your eyes on the subtitles.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

If I meet one person that tells me they don't want to watch a movie because it has subtitles, I will bitchslap them on the spot, publicly humiliate them and that's the end of that story. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What's the problem, your mother didn't teach you how to read?

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

it doesn't exactly take a lot of effort to read lines at the bottom of a screen. And after a while it just comes automatically anyway. When I worked in a cinema and people would miss a really good film just because they were subtitled I thought they were so pathetic. How lazy do people want to be?

Something tells me you're going to remember me this time!

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Wonder if anyone could recommend other French films like this? I am usually put off by subtitles as when I read them I miss the facial expressions on screen also sometimes foreign films get lost in the art and forget about a good old story. But I have enjoyed one or two from time to time, Tell no lies, A few Days in Spetember, L'Appartment. So if anyone has a recommendation of similar comedies in French, or any other foreign language I would appreciate it.

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

It's a surprise you were able to navigate to this title's page (since you would have to match the words or something) and comment on a post that it makes sense in.

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

You said: >> It is quite an effort for me since I'm somewhat illiterate.

I said: > It's a surprise you were able to navigate to this title's page (since you would have to match the words or something) and comment on a post that it makes sense in.


> Then it's a surprise you were able to navigate to this title's page (since you would have to match the words or something) and comment on a post that it makes sense in.

makes more sense?

And I actually thought you were *fully* illiterate instead of "somewhat illiterate". (How does "somewhat illiterate" happen, anyhow?)

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

I don't speak French. I watched the film without subtitles (there was no subtitle option on the dvd) this didn't stop me from completely understanding exactly what was happening and most of what was being said. After a while I completely forgot it wasn't in English. No need for a remake, it's better in French.

listening to the flow

You make good points on being too tired to read. But I actually sometimes like to read the words and just listen to the flow of words that I do not understand.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Well said 'nopz' .

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger . . .

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

There is a re-make (or rather the ORIGINAL) it's called "Breakfast At Tiffany's"

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels kept coming to mind all through this movie, or is that just me?
No need for a remake, just learn to read :)

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

"american equivalent of the south of France"

no such place :)

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Nope, the magic and chemistry between Tautou and Elmaleh would be lost. You would be hard pressed to translate this film to the States given their puritanical attitudes towards sex. I mean you can only show a breast on TV if there is a bullet going through it.

Besides, I tend to think if someone can't read, they shouldn't be watching foreign films.

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

JLO???? Richard Gere?
how could you compare jlo to audrey tautou!!!!
i'm mortified.
taste, man, taste!

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who's hot?

OK, J Lo is not hotter than Audrey what's-her-name. This woman could be saying "get away from me you little twerp" in French and I would be sprouting major wood.

But that is an example of the language barrier working in my favor.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

How could you compare Richard Gere to any real actor?!!

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Boy, you ARE rather desperate to pick a fight today, aren't you Michael?
What's up? Tiff with the Mrs?

You're getting very good at making people think you're a movie nitwit.
You love getting a rise out of people, eh?
That old IMDB vampirism has you under its spell.
I can just see you chuckling away to yourself as you press 'post reply'.

Good luck with the fishing - hope you catch a big one.

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

You know how you go to filums to get your mindless fun, well, your posts are MY entertainment.
Who's having who?

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Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Yeah, I think the secret here is that you have to sleep through it. It's worth a try. You've got nothing to lose.

- Cinema is an ocean. Some float on the surface - others dive for pearls.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

I was mortified when someone said that what they do in the movies is doze off and relax. WHAT!!! That's almost painful for me to read; movies are a form of art (wellsome of them, at least), not something that you doze off with. The lack of culture of the American people sometimes scares me. I think remaking non-American films (notice how I didnn't say foreign) is one of the most disturbing trends in today's film industry and I would refuse to see a stupid Americanized version of this film where they decide to cut out the beautiful nudity and have the rich man Irne dates a Texan oilman wearing a hat Oh! And to top it all off, it's set in the American version of the Cte d'Azur: the really classyMiami? Please, Hollywood, don't keep shredding other people's art and talent. Right now I'm shocked after having read an article where it said the guy who did Nacho Libre might do a remake of the Mexican gem, Temporada de Patos. So, one of the funniest and smartest movies made in my country will be transformed into a tasteless, tacky Hollywood comedy.

"I don't make movies to make money; I make money to make more movies" - Walt Disney

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

There is also a Korean equilivant to this movie called "Art of Seduction" (2005). Came before this movie though.

"That was a dinosaur??!!" - Kevin Walker

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Personally, I'd prefer it if someone did some research into why so many people instantly reject the idea of watching a subtitled film, so the industry could see about encouraging many more people to go to non-English language films A lot of it just seems to be a bizarre prejudice against subtitles. [And, it's not just morons - I come across a surprising amount of intelligent people who wouldn't dream of watching a subtitled film.] But, I think there are some real issues which could be addressed fairly simply So often, subtitles just seem to be slapped along the bottom of the picture without a great deal of thought as to how easy they are to read - some thought should always be given to size and background For example, I watched "Hero" on Channel 4 the other week and the subtitles were so small and pale that, during the lighter sections of the film, it was quite a chore to pick them out I'm sure something could have been done to have made them easier to read.

I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys.


The short answer is that we read books and watch movies.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

I enjoyed this movie, and I see no reason why it should be remade simply because it has subtitles.

I do agree with other posters here that the filmmakers do need to pay more attention in regards to subtitles. I don't mind reading the subtitles, but every now and then you have trouble because it is either quite small, or the words are white on a white background.

Another poster here mentioned dubbing. I find it incredible that english-speaking movies are dubbed for non-english speaking countries, yet english speaking countries only get subtitles or a bad remake. I see no problem with getting english dubbing over a foreign film if people didn't want the subtitles.

Why hate someone because of religion, race, gender, differing opinion etc? Get past it =/

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Nahh..I may be a freak but I've always loved watching T.V. with the subtitles on..since I was little..haha It actually is a good idea I've heard; helps with spelling and general English skills. It's not a huge deal to me.. =]

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

For some reason when I watch a movie with subtitles I don't actually notice that i'm reading instead of listening to them speak English. I remember parts of the movie after I watch it and in my mind everyone is speaking english.

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

I agree with aperfecr.. above. I don't have any deal with subtitles at all and can't believe other people do. Unless you're hiding some adult literacy issues that you feel ashamed to share. There are portions in most films where you're required to read something, even just as a visual narrative clue. Do people ignore those aswell?

I shudder to think that in the future films will have to be released as, say, "Priceless: Special Needs edition" or "Cinema Paradiso: Limited Attention Span version"

However, check out Nightwatch/Daywatch (two Russian gothic comic strip films) that use subtitling in the most ingenious and involving way

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

I am not a fan of watching films that have been dubbed (there is a lot of american/foreign films dubbed for german cinema) but i really do agree that one looses some details if you have to read the subtitles all the time - especially if it's a dialogue-based film. I rather prefer dubbing in these situations or you might loose some of the visual details that might add to the story otherwise.
Remake is definitly not even an option: its a whole different film after that. and why should one do a remake since the original is thousand times better and always will be? name remakes that really added to the film!! i bet you won't be able to find em.

By the way: did not yet see the film - plan to do so soon (in french actually :-))

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Honestly, I get really annoyed at people who refuse to watch a film because it has subtitles.
Why? Because most of the people who say this haven't even tried! They just assume that they won't be able to read at the same time as watching. I know this because the other day I managed to convince a couple of my flatmates to watch Pan's Labyrinth after they had whined that they couldn't do subtitles, and I asked them what other foreign films they'd seen, they couldn't come up with any. Anyway, as soon as the film started they were totally absorbed in it, forgot that it even had subtitles. At the end they said they really enjoyed it.

People are missing out on a whole load of great films (in fact, the MAJORITY of great films) just because they happen to be in another language and they're too lazy

Re: Crying out for a re-make?

Honestly, I get really annoyed at people who refuse to watch a film because it has subtitles.
Why? Because most of the people who say this haven't even tried! They just assume that they won't be able to read at the same time as watching.

It's laziness. Granted, I hate to say that, but I work at a library that also has movies available for checkout (for free, mind you) and you have NO IDEA how both angry and frustrated it would make me when people would complain Pan's Labyrinth didn't have a dub. It just got to the point where I would tell people it didn't have one before they check it out so they can just put it back and get something else.

And then people look at me like a crazy person when I routinely check out foreign films (hell, it's free!). The most common explanation I hear is people with bad eyes have trouble reading the subs on their TVs so they don't bother. There are others who just can't read fast enough and still be able to enjoy the movie without pausing and rewinding and don't want to go through the effort.

"Action is how men express romance on film." Kurt Wimmer