The Walking Dead : That young fella at the Kingdom

That young fella at the Kingdom

could he become a new love interest for Enid? and how would Coral react to a new rival? more pushing around on cut grass like with little phaggot Ron? i'm curious to know..

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

That kid, Benjamin, will be around and play a bigger role later on.

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

you mean, in Enid's life? is he going to kill Coral in a fight to the death over her affection? sounds exciting.. :D

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

I don't know about Enid. She was not in the comic, but Benjamin was.

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

That kid? Oh that kid's already dead.

Mark my words.

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

The kid who plays Benjamin is also in the movie the scout of zombie apocalypse or something like that and he's a good actor, hope he sticks around on TWD.

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

Me too! He's good kid and the Kings advisor!

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Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

My bet is that he willl die. That will be the factor that brings Morgan, Carol, and Ezekial into the war with Negan

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

You might be right I have a feeling about that too.

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

Yeah, way too likable right off the bat - he's gonna die

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

He seems like the perfect candidate to be killed in an immensely brutal way by Negan.

Nothing you have to say is anywhere near as useful or important as you think it is.

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

CorrectionI was thinking of another kid entirely with a similar name. Sorry.

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

you fycker!!

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

I think he's probably gay, but not in a cringeworthy way like that one dudes boyfriend. I think the kid is very likable actually, which means he's probably soon to be dead.

Personally I prefer to see the ginger gay get killed, very quickly, and with never speaking another word.

Enjoy, again!

Re: That young fella at the Kingdom

Wasn't he in the next episode previous where the kingdom is trading with the saviors? It looks like that scene is going to get violent so I wouldn't be surprised if that kid gets shot.