Bobby : One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

by Wm H Macy character for racism??? Not these days - the hotel would be staring down the wrong end of a hefty lawsuit for wrongful dismissal.

What the Slater character said was quite correct - most of the kitchen staff was illegal and therefore not entitled to vote, and Macy knew it. Putting up a notice telling them that anyone other than US citizens could have time off to vote would, therefore, be conspiring to a felony.

I was glad when the smug self-righteous Macy character got his come uppance . When his wife asked him why he had fired Slater, he replied "Because he was a racist" entirely ommitting to mention that he himself was an adulterer, but that's OK because the Slater character had already told her all about him, LOL. In a perfect world the Macy character would have been prosecuted for assault by the Slater character, (he hit him in front of a dozen witnesses) and then dismissed without references for gross sexual misconduct.
Ah me, ah my!!

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

Macy's character was the typical LIberal.
They love to condemn and punish others for one thing while carrying on and basking in their own sins but for some reason it's "okay" what they are doing.
I was glad Slater's character busted him.

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

Wow, just wow

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

I don't believe it's fair to say that this is a characteristic of the typical liberal only.
In fact, quite the opposite these days.
It's more the attitude of the typical Christian. And they're usual found out on the right wing of conservatism.

A Moderate who voted for Obama, would have voted for Bobby Kennedy and twice voted for Reagan.

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

Wow - are you off the mark, both legally and ethically!

*Not* firing someone for interfering with their staff's right to vote (especially when it shows clear ethnic/racial discrimination) is what would have caused a hefty lawsuit for the hotel these days! Second, Slater's character may be making racist assumptions about how much of the staff is made up of illegal immigrants, and, even if his estimate was accurate, denying even one person the right to vote is a gross ethical and legal violation.

Also, Macy's answered his wife's question quite accurately - he did fire Slater's character because he was a racist. Macy's character's adultery had nothing to do with why he fired Slater's character, since he had already done that before Slater's character even found out about the adultery.

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

What the Slater character said was quite correct - most of the kitchen staff was illegal and therefore not entitled to vote, and Macy knew it. Putting up a notice telling them that anyone other than US citizens could have time off to vote would, therefore, be conspiring to a felony.

A lot of the kitchen staff may very well have been illegal, but not all of them were. The problem was Slaters character wasnt just keeping the illegal staff from voting. He had no intention of letting ANY of them off to vote. He could have just as easily placed a notice stating that any US citizen working that day is allowed time off to vote.

Sure, he tried to pass it off as they were way to busy and claim most of the staff was illegal, but based off of his snotty comments, he really didnt think they should be allowed to vote. Come onhe at one point called them wet backs, didnt he?

I was glad when the smug self-righteous Macy character got his come uppance . When his wife asked him why he had fired Slater, he replied "Because he was a racist" entirely ommitting to mention that he himself was an adulterer, but that's OK because the Slater character had already told her all about him, LOL.

LOL! What did you expect? For him to say I fired him because hes a racistby the way, Im cheating on you. Come on.

When the hurly-burly's done. When the battle's lost and won. fight2.gif

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

Slater is a sean penn style actor

he keeps you watching unlikable characters

imagine the film if Slater was the manager of the hotel!!!!!!!!!!

he'd be bangin the illegals in the kitchen

he'd be bangin the phone operators

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

Slater's actions are what election protection is against.

Thirty years after the RFK assassination, in the anniversary issue, Life magazine included an interview with the Mexican kitchen worker who pot the Rosary beads into RFK's hands. He was still a citizen of Mexico. Do you blame him?

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

Typical conservative misinterpretation of reality. Just appalling.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs

Re: One jarring note, Christian Slater character gets fired

Also typical of a conservative to think the "one jarring note" in a film about SOMEONE BEING MURDERED is that a character was fired for discriminating against people based on their nationality.