Split : is this movie racialist against cool people?

is this movie racialist against cool people?

is this movie racialist against cool well adjusted people or somethin?

why did the monster feel the need to punish the cool mean girls just because they are cool, popular, wealthy and well adjusted?

Re: is this movie racialist against cool people?

First, the Beast's opinion is not equivalent with the message of the movie. Does Star Wars promote that the dark side is better than the light side?

Second, the Beast was not against wealth or coolness (he was cool himself according to Hedwig), but against the lack of suffering.

Re: is this movie racialist against cool people?

u wot mate?

but he got away with it didn't he? bad guy wins. what is moral of story u tell me.

the beast was not cool at all. him talkin to himself aint cool either. he was a classic loser. even lives in the basement. he was a true basement dweller.

Re: is this movie racialist against cool people?

Threads like this are why the boards are closing.


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