Split : Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

Not everyone has seen this. Yet they blast the "Plot Bomb" or "Expansion Plan" (M. Nights words) all over their screen. F Them, it hasn't even been out a week yet.

keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!


People still use yahoo news?

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

That comment. Haha

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

I prefer not to, but it's the splash page many folks see as they log into their mail.

keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

omg you use Yahoo MAIL?!

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

point = missed it. Read above.

keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

Do you have an angelfire account too? I heard Geocities was going to be the next big one to look out for.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!


yeah if you still lived in the year 2000, nowadays, wordpress and other hosts have wiped them away years ago,


Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

. thanks so much for the update.

Less than forget. But more than begun.

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

lmao I feel bad for you that it got spoiled. Definitely too soon. You are't alone, my fiance still uses Yahoo email for his "non-important" email stuff. ;)

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

It wasn't spoiled for me, I saw the film last weekend. But I've had 3 pals and a workmate say "WTF Yahoo!". Sorry for your Fianc not being able to experience that plot bomb in the theater.

I wanted them to hear the Unbreakable music first. I didn't get it but one pale told me the mirror scene has the Unbreakable music. Now that's a fan.

keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

Dude, I feel for you. I know how much that must suck.

I'm soooooooooooooooo glad I went out right away with this one, otherwise I don't know how I would have felt if I knew something ahead of time.

Re: Frack You Yahoo News!!!!

I had the ending spoiled for me and it sucks. I saw the movie last night and I enjoyed it but I knew the whole time that it took place in the same universe as Unbreakable. I knew this info as I was watching but I didn't realize that this was the twist to the movie. So I was waiting for a twist to the actual story andit never came.

Great movie but extremely disappointing that I didn't get to experience "the twist". Unbreakable is literally my favorite movie so I probably would've loved it had it not been spoiled for me.