Hidden Figures : Historically inaccurate

Historically inaccurate

I'm sorry, but I have to speak up on this if nobody else will: The first human beings on the moon were three caucasian men, not three african-american women. I believe strongly in gender and racial equality, but this movie is politically correct to a fault.

Surely there were three qualified male, white actors who could have played Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldren and Michael Colins?

Other than this glaring historical misstep I thought Hiding Figures was great. What do you guys think?

You never did.
-The Kenosha Kid

Re: Historically inaccurate

My thoughts? Well, my first thought is that HF didn't say 3 women were the first people on the moon. Second thought: "Politically correct" is a virtually meaningless term used by people who wish the good old days of insensitivity to the less powerful were back.

HF is a good (but not great) film about a little-known part of history. I'm glad I went to see it.

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Re: Historically inaccurate

The movie was about three women achieving in technology, not about the space program. It was challenging the Silicon Valley idea that only white and Asian men can succeed in technology. The space race was only in the background.

Re: Historically inaccurate

Those three may not have been the first on the moon if not for the women depicted in this film. The men have had their recognition. It is now time the women also do. It doesn't hurt to give them their due. One doesn't have to forget about others to enjoy these too.

Man helped to keep women down during that time. Not just as 'computers' but also as pilots. Some of the women did better on some of the tests than the men. They though then weren't permitted to remain part of the program. John Glenn even publicly joined the fight against them. He was likely afraid of more competition in an already competitive field. The spacecraft doesn't care which body parts the crew has. The Russians proved that.

Prejudice and sexism is why the US was second on many things in the space race. They could have been even more behind, perhaps a soviet flag would be on the moon, if the women of NASA didn't go beyond their job, title, and pay and help.

Re: Historically inaccurate

You clearly didn't see this film.

Re: Historically inaccurate

You clearly didn't see the joke.

Re: Historically inaccurate

Did you SEE the movie? First of all, it took place in 1961-1962, the moon landing was only talked about in the movie as something they will work on in the future. The men chosen to travel to space are shown being interviewed, and they were all white men

Re: Historically inaccurate

DAMN! My apologies, Aussersein. I've seen so much ignorant BS thrown onto this film's discussion boards that I didn't recognize your sarcasm as sarcasm. Hence my previous comment.

Re: Historically inaccurate

It was inaccurate but not in the way you described it, even it this is being sarcastic.
I did my research after and this was basically factional.
This is no better in terms of accuracy than War Dogs, Bridge of Spies and the upcoming Polka King.
This was entertainment pure and simple.