Channel Zero : So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

That would be an awesome twist

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?


I don't really see how that would impact the story at all.

I'll pump her full of motley seed, until she pops out a little me! -Shagwell

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

I don't see how since his finger was broken. Mom's can always tell their twins apart. They may look the same but they are still different.

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

Blah. Half the horror/suspense stories that have twins use the "It was actually the other twin!" schtick.

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

actually, it's half (and then some) of "it was actually the other twin" stories that use twins.

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

I hope they're not that lazy and write it that way..lord. They did have the moment where he said "you know how to tell us apart right?" though, so

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

There was another moment where the twins were bragging they could change places as mayor and no one would know. I'm not even sure if Mike really knows which twin he is. It would also explain why the kids went after Jessica since Eddie saw her as an enemy. I agree that it's a much overused plot device, though.

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

Would seem a missed opportunity to have him carve Welcome Home Mike in his arm instead of Welcome Home Eddie in that case.

I'll pump her full of motley seed, until she pops out a little me! -Shagwell

Re: So Mike is, in fact Eddie?

I believe that it said "come home Mike" as a message for him to finally return home. If he were to have done it do himself after he returned home then it would be plausible, but I don't remember seeing the "wel" anyway.

Why would you think this?

Not sure why you think this

Re: Why would you think this?

They've left "potential" hints that it might be a plot device later on, as described in the comments above. For the record though, it really is kind of an overused plot device/twist.

Re: Why would you think this?

haven't noticed them, perhaps you're just "digging" for them

Re: Why would you think this?

In ep.04, they talk about having a different dental signature. Also, Eddie is coming to visit throught Mike's daughter, which should probably rules-out that Mike is infact Eddie

Re: Why would you think this?

Thank you.

Re: Why would you think this?

Well I guess Mike is going to end up being Eddie afterall, but not in the sense in which the Op had predicted. Even his dental signature is changing with Mike having teeth cutting out of his gums. Interesting what they did, but I have a feeling the last episode is going to be straightforward story ending of what they said is going to happen, I don't think Mike can stop it unless he shoots himself to save his daughter's life, which if I were him I would have done right after I found out what was coming. If he's smart Mike will commit suicide, not everyday that phrase is typed out.