Miss Sloane : Boycott this libtard movie!

Boycott this libtard movie!

There's a reason we have 2nd Amendment Rights! Hollywood need to stop making these stupid libtard movies!

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

Libetard, Retardlican, what's the difference?

it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

You want to know what the Difference is?

Libtards: Want to take our gun rights away, they want to impose all their silly political correctness on everyone else, they are "tolerant" of every perversion known to man but are intolerant towards anyone who disagrees with them and hate people who actually have morals (Christians mainly) but for some reason are tolerant towards Islam, a religion that kills gays and oppresses woman, they want to remove all references to God and religion from our society, they have no problem killing babies at any stage of pregnancy.. including the hideous practice of partial birth abortion, they want to revise history and destroy the founding fathers intentions, they despise American traditions, they want to tax all the producers to death in order to give freebies to the lazy non-producers of society, they promote racism by making sure blacks are dependent on government ensuring they will keep voting for them, they want to allow millions of illegal aliens (including terrorist, drug lords, criminals and gang bangers) into America just for the sake of getting more votes, they want to decimated our military to the point we can no longer defend ourselves I can go on.

Republicans: Don't do all those things listed above.

Get it now?

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

well said, my friend.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

It was actually horribly said, you degenerate.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

No, seriously, what's the difference? Retardlicans want to screw everyone worse than "Libtards" The only difference I see between the 2 parties is that Retardlicans have on average a 30 points lower IQ, as evidenced by your above rant.

it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

You might want to look at some facts before spewing silly things like this. Blacks overwhelming vote Democrap and study after study show they have the lowest IQ by far compared to all other races.So democraps have lower IQ's by far.But feel free to make up some more *beep*

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

You should avoid procreation. Go ahead, look up that big word, I'll wait

it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

Jesus Christ, stop poisoning our gene pool. What are you, a *beep* retard? You're logic is *beep* than your grasp of the English language.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

Please tell me you are joking

Click here:

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

You're a right *beep* I suggest suicide, it'll do you some good.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

ur obviously a dumbphukkk..

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

"You want to know what the Difference is?"

Nothing you said is true.

You need to stop watching Fox News and stop reading Breitbart.

You know what? You just need to *beep* off.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

Libtards: Want to take our gun rights away,

It's basic gun controleven Reagan supported it. Unless your hunting with your buddy is more important than School Shootings.

hey want to impose all their silly political correctness on everyone else, they are "tolerant" of every perversion known to man but are intolerant towards anyone who disagrees with them and hate people who actually have morals

It's called treating people with respect. I know you're itching to call black people the N wordand you just feel so oppressed you can't be openly racist. As for moralsyou probably voted for a guy who lies about reading the bible and bragged about grabbing pussies. You guys are the biggest phonies and hypocrites aroundyou talk about how you're so moralbut you vote for people who have none.

s (Christians mainly) but for some reason are tolerant towards Islam, a religion that kills gays and oppresses woman, they want to remove all references to God and religion from our society, they have no problem killing babies at any stage of pregnancy.

I don't think anybody is tolerant of Islam per saythey just don't want you and your redneck buddies to go beating up people with brown skin because they're Muslim or look Muslim. See what you don't understand is that people are individualsthere are terrible Muslims and there are good Muslims. You probably get annoyed if people say slavery and racism are your fault but you think its ok to judge Muslims by the worst of them.

As for abortionI'm personally not a fan of it and don't favor it for any stage. However, it is not my decision to makeI'm a man. It's the woman's choice on whether she wants to have a baby. It's her body. I like how you're so in favor of Government not being involved in people's livesbut you want to tell a woman what do with her body. Don't you see the Hypocrisy in that?

they despise American traditions, they want to tax all the producers to death in order to give freebies to the lazy non-producers of society, they promote racism by making sure blacks are dependent on government ensuring they will keep voting for them, they want to allow millions of illegal aliens (including terrorist, drug lords, criminals and gang bangers) into America just for the sake of getting more votes, they want to decimated our military to the point we can no longer defend ourselves I can go on.

Tax all the producersmany rich people pay less taxes than the middle class and then outsource their work out of this country. All they're producing is jobs for foreigners you dope.

As for the lazysome of the biggest subsidies go to Farmers and "real Americans" also the biggest subsidies are social security and medicare. Most of which goes to old white people. To pay for those subsidies people need to be taxed.

Black people don't vote Democrat for free stuff. A Black person would read your dog whistle posts about them being lazy and leeches and your excuse about PC(meaning you just want to say the N word without getting in trouble) and they would see guys like you hate them. Why vote for a party that views you as leechyou wouldn't.

Your comments about illegal aliens and the military is pure conspiracy theory. However, here's a funny fact. If America doesn't open their borderswe don't have a sustainable population to pay for our entitlements in the futurewe're just not breeding enough. More people becoming American Citizens will actually benefit our economy and those of us expecting Social Security in the Future.

Of course it's really not illegal immigrants that botherit's the color of the skin of the immigrants. In NY we have a lot of white illegal immigrantsbut that's not the picture you have on your mindwhen you made your childish rant Cletus.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

i think you nailed his tiny lil ass! interesting reading by the way!!

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

you are actually a complete idiot.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

Even funnier is how movies portray women as business oriented.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

someone needs to learn Funny definition again!also you sound like " come on guys lets just grab them by the ". Just an honnest opinion.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

Yes, and that reason is that you are idiots.

Click here:

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

They're not saying repeal the Second Amendment fool.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

You should look into the other amendment, dummy. Like the one allowing "Hollywood" to talk about things you don't want to hear.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

lol, that's just what I was thinking, what a complete moron

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

The fact that you think a pro-gun control advocates wanna "take mah guuunnsss!!!" shows how well NRA propaganda works.

Movies I've Seen:

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

The fact that you think a pro-gun control advocates wanna "take man guuunnsss!!!" shows how well NRA propaganda works.

Oh, you mean like how the Attorney General of Massachusetts recently reinterpreted that state's "assault weapon" ban in a way that makes criminals out of people who previously thought they were complying with the law? Now she's being sued by the NRA, for good reason.

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

Oh, I understand that some types of guns would be banned by some of the gun control measures. I also know that they account for a fraction of the guns sold every year, and that they have little to no value for self-defense. There was this NRA shill a few years back who testified before congress to show how banning assault rifles would prevent people from defending their homes against intruders. She named a bunch of real-life cases where people used firearms to save themselves from harm. Only problem is, when people researched the cases she used as "evidence' of the effectivenessof assault rifles, turns out that ALL the cases involved either shotguns or handguns. They (e.g. the pro-gun lobby) sent this lady out there to prove that assault rifles are necessary for self-defense, and then (hilariously, in my opinion) couldn't provide her with a single credible case to use in her testimony.

What I was referring to is the claim I hear repeated ad nauseum that Democrats are trying to take away ALL guns, or even MOST guns. This simplyis not true, and is merely propaganda created by the NRA and spread by their paid whores in Congress.

Movies I've Seen:

Re: Boycott this libtard movie!

we have Marine Le Pen in France she s known as the hereditarian racist who dumped her dad out of his own party as he wasnt liked by most for his position against Jews, Homos, and of course anyone that might not have a white name and skin color! since she hides most of her xenophobia and lies about pretty much everything, i believe you should get in contact with her holy *beep* i forgot. you guys even got better. KKK right?