Morgan : What might've made this film more original

What might've made this film more original

The whole Frankenstein-esque "Scientists create artificial person who goes bad and becomes ax crazy, then goes on murderous rampage, we-gotta-stop-it" style movie plot has been done SO many times.

Here's what might've made this film more original: Morgan not as a crazy psycho, but as a sympathetic antiheroine. The corporation made her for a nefarious purpose, she develops a sense of humanity and escapes, she proceeds to find out more about Earth and its inhabitants. She is pursued by a task force sent by the corporation tasked with eliminating her.

She slowly learns to control her killer instinct, starts to develop compassion. She uses her instincts to fight back against her pursuers.

This kind of plot might've made the film more well-received. More original.

But MORGAN is still a decent film.

Re: What might've made this film more original

What might've made it more original is if it maybe DIDN'T RIP OFF EVERY OTHER DAMNED MOVIE IN ITS GENRE. This isn't a 'derivative', it's a f0cking plagiarised attempt at a parody. A few minutes in and I was hit by a thought


anyway, I swore that if this ended up being some Blade-Runneresque-y, Immagetcha twist fuqqery that I would one-star the *beep* out of this film. This ripped off Blade Runner, it ripped off AI, it ripped off that crap film, Whazzit, from M Night Shamalamadingdong, it tried to theft EVERYTHING, from atmosphere to plot. And it SUCKS. The movie is stupid. It's been done before. Repeatedly. This could have been cobbled together with cutting room remnants from about five other films, and reeks of a script that was found in a dumpster, or some jag off fanfic website. Whomever greenlit this should be euthanized.

There are students who can't catch a break, yet this gets made. Absurd. Fricking nepotism.

Re: What might've made this film more original

Hehe, I was just gonna post "This was kinda *beep* but then i thought it would beg the question "why - elaborate!". You elaborated in detail and I've revised my initial thought to:

"This was kinda *beep* in every way".

Re: What might've made this film more original

So go full Frankenstein instead of just Frankenstein-esque?

Re: What might've made this film more original

Bourne Identity

Re: What might've made this film more original

The whole Frankenstein-esque "Scientists create artificial person who goes bad and becomes ax crazy, then goes on murderous rampage, we-gotta-stop-it" style movie plot has been done SO many times.

Good thing this movie is about "a weaponized bio-genetically modified human clone who cannot conceal its true protocol.To wit: they send Lee (Lesbian Ava/Mr. Wolf) to clean up the potential resulting mess" then.

That being said it's funny how you would think that a younger female Jason Bourne would be an original idea. They made five Jason Bourne movies already.

Re: What might've made this film more original

The Jason Bourne films are spy thrillers, not Sci-Fi. But I get what you're saying.

A Bourne-type spy thriller is not exactly what I had in mind. What I had in mind was a story about this artificial human who starts out as an emotionless, ruthless killing machine, but then begins developing emotions and compassion. That eventually Morgan realizes that she is a monster and seeks out to destroy herself and the entire project. I think that says something about the strength of the human soul over science. While still keeping the idea that man should not try to play God and create something like that.

A possible plot element could've been that Morgan has the memories of multiple deceased people in her head, an amalgam of CIA agents and a scientist. This could've explained where she got all those fighting skills from. The memories are maybe what causes her to eventually gain emotions. The audience could feel for Morgan and how she has the minds of all of the people that they had taken to create her mind.

There could've been some interesting moments with Morgan balancing different personalities.

Re: What might've made this film better

If they killed Morgan right after she was hit with the tranq gun, sending Lee in to terminator mode to kill all humans.