The Confirmation : Of course Anita is not lying

Of course Anita is not lying

But this is the normal behavior by a lot of men (not all). And I'm sure a lot of those politicians listening to the testimony know that Thomas is lying and Anita was telling the truth. He still got confirmed so "what's new?". Just a normal behavior in the world we live in.

Re: Of course Anita is not lying

Thomas? Anita? Nobody by those names in this film. Better relocate your comment in the appropriate file.

Re: Of course Anita is not lying

You have the wrong movie. You want the TV Movie "Cofirmation".

Re: Of course Anita is not lying

Amazing, in all my years of being on this site I have never seen this happen until now, hahaha.

There will be bloodbut you will be loved.

Re: Of course Anita is not lying

Maybe Anita Hill- Clarence Thomas reference?