Allied : Brad Pitt is stale

Brad Pitt is stale

His acting is just bad. Stiff and unexpressive. He is totally washed up. His French is horrible. As for his looks he's both bloated and withered.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

Couldn't agree more! His performance was far from the only flaw of the film but couldn't believe how bland he was. Marion gave a pretty decent showing but I never felt that she'd fall in love with Pitt's character.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

No offence but I think anyone who can't see how good Brad Pitt is really just can't identify properly with real human emotion, and the subtlety of his acting just goes way over your head for you to appreciate it. Some actors have a more in ya face style that you could probably identify with more.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I think anyone who can't see how good Brad Pitt is really just can't identify properly with real human emotion

That's one of the funnier comments I and, I'd wager if she were to ever read it his ex wife, have ever read!

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

it would have been a creative decision to play the role stiff. Pitt certainly doesn't lack range as an actor. Cotillard's character was written as the "life & soul of the room". They'd have been a sickening couple if they'd both played that part. he's about 55, looks a million times better than me (17 years younger). she's in her 40's. His French being horrible was written into the film. I don't see the problem

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

He was awful in this film. I can't imagine any director telling an actor to be stiff, he's just wooden which was highlighted more because he was required to 'act' rather than just look good. He had to use facial expressions to convey different emotions which is something that is obviously beyond him.

She did a brilliant job and carried the whole film. If he could have made some attempt to act, it would have been a much better film with the ending being much more sad.

There were also a couple of key plot details that should have been elaborated on more to explain certain things but this film should have been crackling with sexual chemistry and dramatic tension but it just didn't.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I thought he was wooden in this and his character was stiff and humorless. His crying at the end was unconvincing and his reaction to the news that his wife is possibly a spy, a scene which should have been memorable and intense, was ho hum.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I think that his character is not easy at all to perform, he is a spy but at the same time first he has to act as if he were in love with his " wife ", then , once they are in London, he has little time to be as he really is because he begins to have doubts about her but at the same time he must hide his feelings when he is with her. He cant be angry with her but at the same time he wants to act alone in order to see if she is guilty or not..
I find Brads performance good, especially in the second part, in the first part of the film he is " smitten " by her, which he didnt expect . There are scenes, when he comes back home after being told that she might be a German spy, or the 11:07 scene, or when he finally asks her to play for himHis performance here reminds me of his performance in TCCofBB . Not stiff at all.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

His French was supposed to be horrible. Marion's character addressed it more than once.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

Marion says in the movie that his French is not pitch perfect. While in fact, it's not much better than catastrophic.
The part where she says his accent is from Qubec makes no sense at all. Because his problem is not his accent, it's that:
- A he doesn't speak French at all and this is quite obvious by anyone who's studied French at least a couple of years in junior high,
- B he doesn't even know how to sound French. Like, fake it. He tries, but it's painful to hear.

I'm in France and when the movie is screened in its "original version" (or VO), we get subtitles for all parts in a foreign language. When they were speaking French, there was no subtitles. And unlike Inglourious Basterds, where every bit of English, French and German is basically excellent, here we have a mumbling disaster.
It was so bad I wanted to rely on the subtitles to help me make sense on what he had just said a few times. Problem is, in these instances, there weren't any

So if you don't know anything about French, that's okay, but the probability that you could enjoy the movie a lot more than French speakers is quite high, because this was really distracting. Fortunately they conversed a lot in English as well.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

Yeah, I've never been able to connect to Brad Pitt as an actor. He might be good but I struggle to see movies with him in them. I have to really want to see the story or like the other actors to invest my time.

There's a small group of actors like that for me. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ryan Gosly, and Leonardo DiCaprio are a few. I just really have trouble connecting to their movies.

But, that's just my opinion.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I Completely agree to everything you just said. I too have this problem, with the exact Actors you mentioned, and this movie just proves that.

Completely boring

The only good Brad Pitt film I remember seeing was World War Z

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

True. But even then, I'd say it was because of the the tense scenes and the zombies, more than Pitt's character, that kept us glued to the scene. He could have been replaced with another actor and I think it still would have been enjoyable.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

A few more I would add to the list are Ben Affleck and Mathew Mconoughy I find there presence boring and Stale.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

Agree, neither do much for me, especially Affleck. (Though I did like Sahara, which had Maconoughey in it.)

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I also agree with all your saying here. This was a pretty mediocre film all around but the performances from both him and Cotillard were about as bland and uninterested as it gets.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I don't find him "withered" but I don't find any chemistry between him & Cotillard. Had he not the bone structure he has, and the celebrity he would never have been cast in this movie. Any tenuous thread to Casablanca doesn't wash here: there's no real emotion,too many cliches, and a lead actor who just walks through his role.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

There's a small group of actors like that for me. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ryan Gosly, and Leonardo DiCaprio are a few. I just really have trouble connecting to their movies.

I agree. I don't understand why these guys are so popular.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I feel you on that one on some level; but then again I can relate to some of the characters played by Brad Pitt/Clooney/Damon more than Dicaprio/Gosly .

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

Surprising - I actually thought this was one of his better roles and the stiffness came naturally since he's more of a military man, not a civilian spy. The French accent did not bother me - I took Marianne's word for it.

Re: Brad Pitt is stale

I think Brad Pitt is a good actor, he has a wide range and can pull dramatic and emotional scenes, but I didn't like him in this, nor her actually.
They had no chemistry.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"