Zootopia : Try everything

Try everything

Does that include banging a bunny?

Re: Try everything

If banging a bunny is indeed a thing, then yes, it is to be tried.

Or in Nick's case, tied.

Genocide is also a thing.

Maybe there is a sinister side to Gazelle we've not yet seen

Take them to the security kitchen!

Re: Try everything

Absolutely. Anything goes.

Try child abuse, drug smuggling, grand theft, arson, domestic terrorism, foreign terrorism, economic warfare, chemical warfare, nuclear warfare

Anything goes!***

IT'S A MADHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!

***Disclaimer: Anything does not go. Please do not try any of the aforementioned. It was only used for comedic effect. The writer assumes no responsibility for the actions of others.

Re: Try everything

Just came to post this.

Thanks for doing the lifting.

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.

Re: Try everything

Sure thing.