My Big Fat Fabulous Life : This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her.

This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her.

What a vile ghoul.

She absolutely refuses to accept the fact that she has major problems, both physiological and psychological, yet continues time after time to put herself at the center of various situations, and ultimately ruins everything for everyone around her.

Skiing. Check.
Dance-a-thon. Check.
Bike riding. Check.
Every day life. Check.

The list is endless. She's absolutely disgraceful.

I sometimes wonder why anyone associates with her, and then I take a closer look. She's surrounded herself with other life losers. It's no wonder these misfits are so tolerant of her self inflicted drama, they're as brain-dead, and dependent, as she is.

What a circle jerk. Gross. Some of the worst of humanity.

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

Her parents coddle her to no end.

One would think that she graduated with top honors from Harvard Medical.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

The way her parents enable her is appalling but how everybody else in her life also waits on her hand and foot is unbelievable! She sucks the life out of every room talking about nobody but herself. She never lifts a finger to help anybody else and they all seem to go along with it! It looks like it's totally exhausting to be her "friend"! She's the poster gal for the ME, ME, ME generation! A self absorbed, whiney, selfish, brat!

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

It's annoying how they set it up as if her dad is going to disown her and then he coddles his precious angel

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

I saw the previews for next week with the positive test at the Dr. Are they going to drag out the PG BS all season? 1 of her circle already leaked online that she's not PG and never was.

Yes, their teasers are really lame! Like Daddy's perfect baby could ever do anything he didn't think was awesome, haha.

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

Right? Seeing her friends massaging her and doing *beep* for her like putting on her shoes? They all baby her, it's disgusting.

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

Oh geeze, "Some of the worst of humanity?" Really?

Why yall gotta hate so much

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

It's not hate to call someone out on bad behavior. She's a horror and she never should have been allowed on that poor horse. That is abuse.

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

It is hate when you're (not you in particular) name calling, saying she's the worst of humanity, etc. A civil "I wish she would acknowledge that being overweight is unhealthy; I don't like how she always makes things about herself; an overweight person shouldn't have been let on the horse, carrying that much weight is abuse" etc.would be critical discussion of her behavior but not hateful. This board descends into hateful namecalling and rhetoric a LOT. She is still a human being, even if people so "righteously" feel she needs to be humbled or something. There is some normal discussion like that on here, but 90% of the threads.comments are pretty nasty. Maybe because she does act confident people feel they have the right to rip her apart even more.

I mean I don't know, I'm being serious, maybe some people on here feel they're totally ripped on or invalidated or misunderstood "for less" thus they're so angry at her for acting like she's okay and acceptable when they themselves aren't getting what they need? I'm not trying to be psychobabbling here, just trying to understand where all the viciousness comes from. I had a period of life where I was extremely bitter and resentful and "hated" nice people (because I thought they were all fake) etc and I would get mad seeing people "happy" or even (normal-seeming) people getting sympathy from others, etc because I wasn't and I never felt I did. I don't know

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her.

She keeps holding that mess like there's a baby in there

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

I feel like when people write posts like this they are just unhappy with themselves and they use someone like Whitney to drag through the mud to feel better about themselves.

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

I feel like when people write posts like this they are just unhappy with themselves and they use someone like Whitney to drag through the mud to feel better about themselves.

You must be a leftist commie. Only libtards drag feelings into factual conversations.

Fact: I'm very happy with myself, and with my life. (you'd be too, if you were me, trust me)

Fact: Whitney still has serious, and demonstrable, physiological and psychological problems.

Now how can that be? I feel good about myself, but still manage to objectively identify facts. Who da thunk it?

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

k I'm glad you have a good life (not sarcastic) but why is it necessary to be hateful to someone who's not affecting your life at all? I can get a constructive discussion about how her trying to normalize being obese, which is unhealthy, might not be a great role model to others. Though I do think encouraging people to love themselves is not a bad thing.

Anyway, why feel the need to come on here and be vile? Serious question. For whose good? Whitney's? Mine? I'm not overweight. The world's? Or you do just get a rise out of being mean to people you deem worthy of making fun of?

I used to be very unhappy and bitter and angry and I was way more critical and judgmental and self-righteous then, not cutting other people any slack because I felt I never had been given slack. Now I'm like eh doesn't matter, let's just be nice if we can help it. So I don't really understand the need to put others down especially if you have a dandy fantastic life.

This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

IMDB is an opinion board. It's not a fan club for a movie or television show. This woman has a show and puts herself out there. She is going to get comments, good and bad. We still have freedom of speech in this country, no matter how hard people are trying to change that.

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her

That really has nothing to do with what I said though. I'm not trying to censor speech or debating someone's constitutional right to act like a dick or not. I've never once "reported" someone on IMDb. I just don't get why people WANT to be mean especially if they claim to have such a happy, fulfilled life. You know, it's a moral, ethical (psychological?) question. What is it inside all these people who want to come on here and just be vile towards/about someone, even if she does choose to put herself out there.

Maybe it's not the same for everyonesome are miserable, some just like being mean, maybe others it's human nature to gang up on someone so you feel a bond with others doing so (and aren't the one being ganged up on)

For the millionth time, pointing out flaws in the show or having critiques of her behavior is one thing. But being nasty and name-calling and cruel about it is what I'm questioning.

Re: This girl is a black hole of failure, sucking in everyone around her
