One Day at a Time : Post deleted

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Re: Sexist?

If you think this show is sexist against men, then you really don't get the point.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"

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Re: Sexist?

"Everything"? Hyperbole much? Objecting to sexist behavior doesn't make these women anti-male. They are against SEXIST males. You really can't see the difference? This show is not anti male at all. Scott is a jerk and deserved to be called out on it. And calling out mansplaining is hilarious because it's ridiculous behavior.

Re: Sexist?

Thank you. They were playing off their own experiences about sexism toward women. The daughter had experienced it & the mother was experiencing it at work. Calling out sexism is not sexist.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"

Re: Sexist?

Plus the grandmother tends to support the typical gender roles. What makes the show great is the fact that each character is allowed to have their own views. You may not agree with every character but that doesn't make the show as a whole sexist.

Re: Sexist?

The male characters in the show are actually sexist to prove a point. We are actually sexist in real life too. Its the way the media built the world around us. Its not just our fault. Its everybodys fault.

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Re: Sexist?

Sounds like you just don't like women.

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Re: Sexist?

You sound like one of the characters from the show. You should feel represented.

Re: Sexist?

I'm a woman, and I think the OP has a point. Every male character in this show is a dolt. Now, I'm only 3 episodes in, so that may change, but I have found that to be a problem. Overall, I feel like this show has a lot of potential, but that all of the PC crap is dragging it down. It and ABC's Blackish seem to have that in common.

Re: Sexist?

PC crap apparently now means "stuff that has nothing to do with white people".

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Re: Sexist?

But that has nothing to do with the OP's point. He's saying the women themselves have been more sexist which is clearly not true. The show was proving a point by having the males act sexist without them even realizing it. They were just calling the sexism out. That's not sexist.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"

Re: Sexist?

You must be too young to remember the original series. In the original series the mother was recently divorced raising two teenage daughters on her own in Indianapolis. In the earlier episodes she was very cautious and untrusting of men. It may have seemed sexist but it was told from the point of view of the woman who created the show, Whitney Blake whose own life patterned Ann Romano's fictional one. She was more famous for playing Mrs. "B" in the squeaky clean 60s sitcom "Hazel" which I grew up on as well. It's hard for a show to exist today without some Millennial getting butthurt because they think a show is racist or sexist. I decided to give this reboot series a try and I actually like it.

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Re: Sexist?

It's impossible to be "sexist" towards men. Men rule the universe, standing astride it with hands on hips and chins jutted. Let these women have their little jabs, for we are as gods of yore.

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Re: Sexist?

You clearly no nothing about sociology.

Re: Sexist?

Do the wirld a favor take your MENINIST MORONITY and SHOVE IT LITTLE BOY! You're PITIFUL! OH and DON'T BREED!