Taboo : "The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

"The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

They have a line like that in "Taboo" Episode #1.5 (2017)
Reality was that they weren't "stolen", but Black African tribe-leaders sold their Black slaves.
Even an Afro-journalist tells it how it were here,

I hate this bull cuckboy-propaganda that media spews.

Re: "The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

The show is extremely pro conservative. It is against govt, it is against inheritance taxation, it is against slavery, it is a very conservative show. I don't see why there is complaint on this front. The prince or king or whoever even calls Delaney a republican at one point. Sometimes the word "stole" just means got a very low price, an unfair low price through intimidation, coercion or misleading

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

I think most people are against slavery. You don't have to be conservative

Re: "The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

Anti-government, anti-inheritance taxation and anti-slavery (are you saying liberals are pro-slavery, lmao?) are not conservative ideas in the slightest.

Anti-inheritance is the only one which could really be defined as conservative. Anti-government and anti-slavery are both very left ideologies.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.

Re: "The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

Maybe they meant stolen as in they were the property of someone and then got stolen by someone else.

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

Wow, you're stupid.

Sidenote: Just because a black person comments or presents "facts" on slavery, don't always take it as truth.

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

Actually the local tribes were complicit, it is fact

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

When someone claims their ancestors were African Princes, what they really mean is that their ancestors were sold by African Princes to white people with big boats.

The history of slavery is despicable, but at the same time, the re-writng of the history of slavery so as to suit an agenda is just as despicable. A number of years ago when the issue of reparations came up I read a study by an economics prof who asserted that the economic level of decendents of those taken as slaves was decidedly higher than the decendents of those who remained in Africa. Keep in mind, this is an apples vs apples comparison. The decendents of slaves may not be as well off as the decendents of those who didn't come to America as slaves, white or black. But in terms of reparations, that isn't the issue.

In Taboo, the issue of slavery is being used to show that trade still existed after being officially banned, only now using a third party/destination/commodity in the transaction.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

Never denied that but that wasn't the ONLY way slaves were brought here.

"I have EXORCISED the demon"

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

^ this

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

The use of the word 'stolen' in this context is to indicate they were taken from their homeland forcibly and without their consent.

Re: "The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

You need to read some actual "book" things that contain some history.

The pumps don't work 'cause the Vandals stole the handles
Bob Dylan

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

Have no idea who that comment is aimed at , but I'm pretty sure we all read and are as capable of finding out information as the next person, I guess it's the veracity of the information we need to be wary of

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

Some people were traded, and many were captured. Millions of people were made slaves in a 200-300 year period, yet we've never head of conquering tribes that so called profited off these agreements?

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

The EIC profited handsomely from the slave trade by whatever means possible. When African chieftains subjugated rival tribes the EIC already had an agreement to buy the defeated tribes people. This is in fact accurate.

By the time of The War of 1812, the EIC had become a state withing a state. By the end of that war a permanent rift had developed between the Crown and the EIC, this is also accurate.

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

Actually, it is no secret that certainly the Ashanti did this, it was a way of stopping the british from subjugating them and taking their gold, obviously this eventually happened anyway.

Re: "The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

I love when people bring this up as if it excuses the West for slavery. It doesn't. It's irrelevant whether other black people sold them; they were still stolen from their homeland.

Besides, this is a heavily inaccurate claim. You're speaking as if every single black slave was sold by their tribe leader, which is completely false. Many were captured and taken.

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

Yes, many were taken by enemy tribes during conflicts and subsequently sold, and no one is saying it excuses slavery at all, but it still remains a fact that not just European/Western people should be taking all the blame!

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

For the record, I am a Brit and of political convictions slightly to the left of the Khmer Rouge. Nevertheless, the OP is 100% correct. Someone is 'tweaking' the script to make it more acceptable to the US market by adding PC-bullcrap. The Europeans were NOT responsible for the African slave-trade. Africa was independent at this time, and the only people dealing in slaves there were the African leaders.

The people who were running Africa were not 'tribal chiefs' - they were the Kings of Nations. These guys lived in beautiful palaces in great cities protected by large and highly-disciplined armies. The slave trade in Africa was huge before the first white slaver set foot on African soil. All the Europeans did was take advantage of the greed of the local ruling-class by offering new (and far more profitable) markets in the Americas. The white man is responsible for DISTORTING the institution of African slavery - but not for introducing it.

Interestingly, in was the British (and to a lesser extent, French) Empires who crushed the slave-trade in Africa by establishing colonial rule. The Communist leader Karl Marx sang the praises of 19th Century imperialism as a progressive force - something which is frequently left out of the history books.

Sometimes the truth hurts - but it doesn't make it any less true!

Re: 'The stole the slaves from Africa!' PC-bull…

You're right about that, African slavery was introduced by the Arabs.

The push into Europe exacted huge loss of manpower and black slaves were brought in to make up the difference. The armies they assembled for the conquest of Italy was half black. They were partially successful, managing to conquer Sicily. However they couldn't hold Rome, Napoli successfully resisted. Eventually the invasion was beaten back by Napolitan, Genovese and Venetian naval power. A combined Armada of the three eventually destroyed Carthage, ending the invasion.

For 30 years, in the 9th Century, St Peter's had minarets.Carthage would never be rebuilt, the new city of Tunis took it's place.

Re: "The stole the slaves from Africa!" PC-bull…

Reality was that they weren't "stolen", but Black African tribe-leaders sold their Black slaves.

That would have been true 100 years earlier but it became more common over the years for foreign slavers to take Africans, Scots, Dutch and more. African Chieftains sold slaves they already had to the European ships. Slaves they took from other tribes, not their own. When their slaves were practically all taken, Arabian and Europeans started forcing slaves from the villages they bought from.

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