Taboo : Are you deaf?

Are you deaf?

I wish I could use that line in real life with that intensity.


Re: Are you deaf?

Easy-peasy. Start with daddy's fortune, go into Big Business, peddling flesh and sin to the gamblers, put them up in Baghdad-like palaces, and make a ton of money. Make foolish investments, lose half your fortune, diddle to books so the tax people are on your neck, then do #1 again. Tell anyone you take an instant dislike to exactly what you think of them, then spread that opinion all over the Interweb. Make and lose another fortune, go into politics, use your tongue to Moon everybody else, then LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING. Rinse. Repeat. Get elected by NSDAP margins to become ruler of the landthen you can say that to Anyone and None will notice. Got that?

Re: Are you deaf?

I always like the saying (not in this show) of "What part of no do you not understand?"

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else

Re: Are you deaf?

I used to have a T-shirt with "what part of (really complicated triple integral equation) isn't clear?

Or as my lawyer would say, "what part of STFU wasn't clear?"

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2