Bottom of the World : Waste.Of.Time.


I wasted over an hour on this crap.

It is pointless; call me a troglodytebut give me a regular movie any day that has an actual plot instead of twisting and turning, blowing in the window with no purpose. There was no purpose for this movie.

Not very original, but 'We accept the love we think we deserve.' Brilliant.

Re: Waste.Of.Time.

couldn't agree more this movie is for the pretentious deep thinkers .on subjects that are about as deep as puddles movie goes no where at all .You might enjoy if your and opiate abuser or smoke copious amounts of marijuana .If your the strait shooter who is clean then stay away from this clap trap as it makes no sense not to a sober mind anyways .If your a fan of jena malone and like to see some nudity just look it up online dont even bother waiting for it .Jena malone has let hollywood turn her into a dried out a *beep* feminists hipster .basically a worthless human being just like a lena dunham type no redeeming quality about this film at all stay away if your sane and are intelligent

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Re: Waste.Of.Time.

pure crap