Supergirl : Earth B'day stupidity

Earth B'day stupidity

Kara wanted to go country line dancing. She then said that she found a place and they should call to see if they need reservations (as though she has never been in a bar before, not a club or a dance class, which you might need reservations - she was in a bar talking to her sister), then the worst part is when she says "I should find out if they rent cowboy boots out"!!! I can understand if they were going ice skating or bowling, but you don't have to wear a specific type of shoe to live dance. She has been on Earth for 13 years, and is a reporter (and previously worked as an assistant to the head of CatCo), how could she think these stupid things? The dialogue was just incredibly stupid.

Re: Earth B'day stupidity

The fact that she needs two birthdays is stupid enough. Why does her Earth birthday have to be celebrated on that exact date? What's the problem with the very next day?

Re: Earth B'day stupidity

Her Kryptonian birth date has zero relevance. Only her Earth birthdate should matter to her.

Re: Earth B'day stupidity

And for that matter, why call it Earth Birthday. It's stupid. Just say birthday. Jeez

In vino veritas

Re: Earth B'day stupidity

Actually there used to be, when line dancing was big in the 90's (I don't know if there still are or not) line dancing bars where yes they would rent Cowboy boots and hats