The Wave : Beautiful Scenery
Re: Beautiful Scenery
It really is a beauty beyond words, simply amazing.
Breathtaking views all over those Fjords.
Breathtaking views all over those Fjords.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
I was once driving some tourists along a road not too different from this. They were rather well-to-do, coming with a private jet.
And they asked me "Do you ever get used to this view? I mean, does it ever stop being spectacular?"
And I replied "Well, my boss doesn't like driving this route. He prefers a different route that is longer. Because he finds this route to be boring and makes him fall asleep."
This was a road about 100 km further south. Between Bergen and Voss.
I understand that tourists find Norwegian nature to be spectacular. But for us living here, it's just ordinary.
And they asked me "Do you ever get used to this view? I mean, does it ever stop being spectacular?"
And I replied "Well, my boss doesn't like driving this route. He prefers a different route that is longer. Because he finds this route to be boring and makes him fall asleep."
This was a road about 100 km further south. Between Bergen and Voss.
I understand that tourists find Norwegian nature to be spectacular. But for us living here, it's just ordinary.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
Thats funny because there is a saying in my country:
"My neighbours chicken is always better than mine"(in my language it rhymes"A galinha da vizinha sempre melhor que a minha.")
And it goes to say that when you are used to something daily you get so familiar with it that it stops being "special" to your eyes.
And this feeling ranges from the colour of your eyes, to the way your hair is, to the food you eat everyday, the smells you know from your house/land, you will always be attracted by the one thing that is different from your surroundings(to a certain degree of course)
Makes me think that in the end, this is a key component which makes us humans want to travel, and reach beyond, without this feeling of boredom we would never leave our home/comfort zone, we would never change.
"My neighbours chicken is always better than mine"(in my language it rhymes"A galinha da vizinha sempre melhor que a minha.")
And it goes to say that when you are used to something daily you get so familiar with it that it stops being "special" to your eyes.
And this feeling ranges from the colour of your eyes, to the way your hair is, to the food you eat everyday, the smells you know from your house/land, you will always be attracted by the one thing that is different from your surroundings(to a certain degree of course)
Makes me think that in the end, this is a key component which makes us humans want to travel, and reach beyond, without this feeling of boredom we would never leave our home/comfort zone, we would never change.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
Great comment Attila_krieger. Makes perfect sense.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
So true Attila. I live in a beautiful location. My home overlooks valleys, ponds, creeks, stunning flora and lush green fields. Everyone who comes here talks about how amazing it is. Yet I go about my daily business hardly seeing it. I know its beautiful but to me its just my backyard now. I remember being awestruck when I first moved in but it does wear off when you see it all day every day.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
"My neighbours chicken is always better than mine"(in my language it rhymes"A galinha da vizinha sempre melhor que a minha.")
I believe the english expression is "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".
It seems to have about the same meaning.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
Great saying, thanks for sharing! It does ring true also, i have only recently begun to appriciate the nprwegian nature, after i moved out of the country. Every time i go back now, I think: wow i used to live here, just ignoring all this beauty.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
This was a road about 100 km further south. Between Bergen and Voss.
That road is boring, though. It's mostly just tunnel after tunnel and the scenery is nowhere near as spectacular as farther north.
I live in the east of Norway where the landscapes mostly consist of forests, hills and lakes, and I find myself being a tourist to the fjords every summer. It's just a five hour drive, so I can do it whenever the weather is great. It's amazing, but I would never consider living there, since it would probably make it less amazing. Not to mention the climate in the west is rather *beep* with lots of rain and wind.
Re: Beautiful Scenery
I just saw the movie and I came to this board just to post about the beautiful scenery. The movie was meh, nothing special but I loved the mountains and the spectacular view, makes me want to live there. As the movie started I had the feeling I had seen that place before but couldn't think of any other movie that I might have seen on that location. Until it hit me, Frozen. I recognized some of the mountains from the movie then I looked it up to see which specific part of Norway did they used as the inspiration for Arendelle and bingo it was the same place. Absolutely gorgeous. Now I understand why the folks at Disney chose it.
Beautiful Scenery
Here's an example:,6.9194818,3a,75y,116.73h,65.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s75P6P7doHOQIdThczDFjmQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
This is now on my bucket list:)