The Middle : And just like that, April evaporates.

And just like that, April evaporates.

Tonight episode had no mention of April whatsoever. I have a feeling her character is probably done. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see her again.

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

She was mentioned briefly in the beginning of the episode. Axl sates she is at her grandmother's house.

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

And he called himself "a divorced person" several times.

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

He actually called himself a "divorcee," which is a woman who's been divorced, not a man.

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

Axl is pretty stupid.

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

Axl is pretty stupid.

Nice to hear from the under-10 crowd

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

You must be the under 10 crowd. I was responding to another post that was pointing out something dumb Axl did. I don't think anyone would consider Axl very smart.

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

A divorc is a divorced man, a divorce a divorced woman, pronounced the same.

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see her again.

So, does that mean you WERE surprised when she showed up on tonight's episode?

Re: And just like that, April evaporates.

She had no relevation whatsoever. She'll be done soon especially since the writers are hinting at Sue's roommate.

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