Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens : Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

Does this guy ever change the record? "The PT is flawed just like the OT is" Blah blah BLAH. The beta-male weakness is oozing from his every pore. Instead of taking a stand for or against the prequels he vacillates in the centerdesperately trying to appease both and coming off as weak.

Darth_Qaidous: Time is running short; the sun is setting on these boards and your time to repent and change is ending. Heck, become a prequel lover for all I care! Just take a stand and stop being a wishy-washy, weak-kneed plastic banana!!

The True Voice of the Fandom

Re: Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

KoolAid man!! Go out swinging KoolAid man! Go out swinging! I think I'll have a nice tall glass of cherry flavored.

"This deal is getting worse all the time!"

Re: Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

Re: Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

Eww! Cherry-flavored tastes like cough medicine.

"Official canon" doesn't matter when it's all fiction anyway.

Re: Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

Why does he need to repent of his opinion on a Movie? The last Time I checked, that's not a Sin.

Re: Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

This is what I'm talking about. The results of classic KoolAid man.

"This deal is getting worse all the time!"

Re: Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

The last time you checked you were misinformed.

In the future you can first consult with me, as the foremost authority on the franchise.

The True Voice of the Fandom

Re: Darth_Qaidous—sympathizing enemy of the franchise!!

Does this guy ever change the record? "The PT is flawed just like the OT is" Blah blah BLAH.
You are correct on this front. And, he doesn't just state it like it's his opinion. He says it as a fact, and basically that's the barometer he uses to gauge someone's intelligence.

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.