This Is Us : Episode 12. Boo

Episode 12. Boo

What was the point of revisiting the first episode? And introducing new couples? Seems like they lost the flow of the show.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I disagree. This story needed to be told. One of my favorite episodes so far.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I agree with you Alan this episode was almost as good as the first one. I haven't cried like tonight since the birth of the babies It was very emotional and wonderful.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Negative op:
After come really crappy, almost ending watching the show episodes in December; the show is better than ever with twovack to back stellar episodes.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

you can't judge a show like this based on one episode it seems like the type of show that will use multiple seemingly disparate storylines and eventually bring them all together. so I would wait and reserve judgement until the end of the storyarc to determine if a single episode is good or bad.

My Etsy shop:

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I agree, I think the episode served a purpose, and that everything on the show happens for a reason, every episode is important. So even though we have seen some of what happened when the babies were born, we haven't seen everything yet.

I admit I was kind of disappointed that they didn't follow the same pattern of going back and forth in time, and they basically stayed in 1980 with Jack and Rebecca. I really missed seeing more of Randall and William, and more of Kate and Toby (Kevin not so much). So I didn't enjoy this one as much as some of the others, but I do realize that the writers are telling a story, and the past is very important to understanding the present.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

They weren't new couples. They were the fireman who found the baby and the doctor who delivered the triplets. I was very happy to see the fireman and his wife make a new beginning, and I was also very happy to see the doctor having dinner with his widow friend (Susan Blakely, who looked fantastic). The day was a miracle for everyone.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!Lindsey McDonald (Angel)

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Not really. It's part of what this show does(& exactly what makes it different). The parts we saw before they ran through with the music in the foreground. But it showed what happened right before the babies came. Not to mention the fireman was shown before. There's other characters that we've only seen a bit of, but they'll probably show more in later episodes. And in case people didn't catch it, I think Miquel's wife had already left him at that point.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

He's wearing a ring in the scenes we've seen of them in the office when the kids are older

Re: Episode 12. Boo

It could also mean a different marriage, perhaps???

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Who knows, but there's no reason to believe that his wife and children weren't visiting her family like he said

Re: Episode 12. Boo

He said his wife and kids were visiting family, at this point I believe it was the case and that it wasnt a lie.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I'm not looking at him so much as lying as not wanting to admit itmaybe. Just sort of going by the look he gave Jack in the golf shop. The attitude he seems to take about the kids & wife(I know not hugely unusual). Plus we know it ends at some point.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

You don't know that Miguel's marriage endedShelly could've died. (Which would make sense, Rebecca and Miguel hooking up in grief, just like Dr K, and he and his late wife's acquaintance.)

I also think the look that Miguel gave Jack was one of bemusement, showing us that Jack really is one good dude.

Re: Episode 12. Boo's just an opinion of how I see him acting in the episodes he's been in. I could be completely wrong, yes.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I agree. It seems like a perfect episode to kick off season2. As much as I enjoyed it, it feels like it hurt pacing. We'll see.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Except it was on last week & had the highest ratings thus far.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Its not season 2, its still season 1!

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Totally agree with the original post. Felt like a recap episode. We get it already- one baby died, Randall was left outside the firehouse, etc. Don't need to rehash. I don't need to know the exact ingredients Rebecca used to make a birthday cake either. Let's move on to present day Kevin, Kate and Randall. I enjoy that more.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I agree.

There was absolutely nothing going on that we didn't know already. This episode could have aired in October, November, December.wouldn't have mattered.

I wonder if the "present day" actors still got paid despite not appearing.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Ok, I actually did like the stuff about the birthday cake. I felt like that showed just how dedicated they are to each other and how much they truly love each other. I thought that was really sweet.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I agree. It was definitely an underwhelming episode for me.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Disagree here too. Probably my second favorite episode. We had never been told about the period of time immediately preceding the birth of the babies. The background stuff on Dr K was far and away the best, most honest, tear jerking storyline yet, with a lovely ending. The fireman story was short and fills in the blanks there. And the flashbacks are helpful to those people who are just now watching the series (or, like most of us, enjoy seeing those scenes again)

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Way better than those moronic epidides from late November and December. The Pilgim Rick episode should be watched with vomit bags.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

Also a vote to disagree but I was about halfway through thinking the same as you: why are we retreading? But then the stuff with the Dr really started to come together and the firehouse guy came home with the baby in tow to save the marriage and before I knew it I was crying just like I did in the first episode. They manage to make me care about people in less than a scene. I find that crazy. I'm not one for Hallmark-y type stuff but they really weave a great story. I'm sorry you didn't like it, but I loved it. Plus, no Toby pretty much seals a winner of an episode from me.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I agree with you. We didn't need a character origin story for the firefighter we saw for 10 seconds in the pilot episode. And as much as I like the good doctor, we really didn't need his backstory either, unless they're going to somehow drag his character into every season of the show.

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Re: Episode 12. Boo

Just a guess , but something tells me we might be seeing firefighter and wife again.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I hope not- I really don't see the point. But they'll probably go back yet again to show the circumstances surrounding Randall's birth at one point (which is what they should have done instead of this last episode), so you're probably right.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

You should prepare yourself for flashbacks of every character for the rest of the show's life. That is the essence of this show. The creator has said he can keep it going in flashbacks if he wants to, and show Dr K as a young Med student, or meeting his first wife, or showing Jack and Rebecca's parents as children.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I agree with the OP.We really didn't need to see Rebecca and Jack in the episode or very little of them.We already knew what happen.Instead they should have showed more of William and Randall's biological mom history.

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I bet they will at some point. ;)

Re: Episode 12. Boo

"You should prepare yourself for flashbacks of every character for the rest of the show's life. That is the essence of this show. The creator has said he can keep it going in flashbacks if he wants to"

Wowsounds like this show will be the gift that keeps on giving. It may outlast us all!

Re: Episode 12. Boo

I don't have a problem with flashbacks.I love them actually,but they don't need to show what we've already seen.

Re: Episode 12. Boo


Good movies challenge expectations. Mediocre movies confirm them. (I've stole this quotes)