Timeless : Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Out of all the episodes this was my favorite. Growing up in the 80s this brought back so many memories. My favorite was Rufus asking the State Trooper was he wearing his seatbelt and his response was classic " Seatbelt? like some 9 year old" lol Anyone that grew up in the 80s can totally relate. Somehow a family of 7 (parents and 5 children)
all manage to fit in my old man's Buick. My two younger siblings sat in between my dad driving an my mother on the passenger seat. We thought this was normal a bunch of families did this. You try something like that now your picture will be featured on the front page of your local paper or go viral as a bad parent lol

Manimal was such a bad cheesy but fun show me and my brothers loved it! It was cool how they recaptured the 80s from the hair the music and the video games. Oh and the A TEAM airing live.

Timeless is no masterpiece. It's the burger from the gas station that taste good at 3am when you're on one. It's my guilty pleasure show.

"Anybody seen Richie? Anybody know why Richie did Bobby Lupo?"

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

LolI remember one time, there were 11 of us in a car that only held 6. People sitting on other people's laps and no one wore a seatbelt. Dangerous, but it was a different time back then.
Loved Manimal too. Now it's cheesy, but it seemed so cool back thenlol.

I think Timeless is a fun show, it's entertaining and there's good acting in it.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

WellI got my license in May, 1979 and I was required to put on my seatbelt prior to every driving lesson and again in order to take the driving portion of the test. So by 1979, it was pretty much a "given" that one would wear a seatbelt.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Really? That's interesting. I grew up in Queens NY how about you? Just curious to see if this was a demographic situation. I can honestly say I don't recall seeing not one carseat or anyone in a seat belts. Grant it this was completely dangerous lol But we all managed. My old man had a Buick Sylark. It's barely big enough for 4 yet alone 7. However most families only had one car. There were no SUVs or Minivans. You did however have stationwagons. My uncle Frank had 9 kids and they owned a wagon but like the other poster mentioned they all lapped it up. I'm sure some people like yourself wore a belt but a lot of folks just didn't because it wasn't really common practice. I do remember around the later 80s the commercial "you can learn a lot from a dummy" this was a seatbelt awareness campaign. Yes by the time I took my test I started wearing a belt I think.. ha

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

I was a kid in the 80s, but I remember seatbelts were for losers, lol. It wasn't until the late 80s when state legislatures started introducing seatbelt laws, and we all thought it was the worst thing in the world to be forced to wear a seatbelt. Now I can't imagine driving without a seatbelt.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Uh, I was a kid in the 60s. Seat belts were an extra cost option. Needless to say no one had them back then.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

I got my license in 1981 and had to wear a seatbelt, but for years until about a couple of years ago, I never wore a belt in the back seat. Truth be told the 80's was a long time ago, I don't remember if I wore one or not until for sure the late 80's. I know we didn't in the 70's and my mom took me home from the hospital in her lap in the front seat in the mid 60's

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

I was born in 68'. In the 70's, as far as I can remember we didn't wear one. I fondly recall be thrown around the station wagon. We were in the back where technically there are no seats:). In the 80's, I do. My dad had a big Suburban, & he made us wear them. However, my best friend s family, again, had a station wagon & we didn't wear them.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

When I was born in the early 80's child seats were just becoming law. My mom the safety nut, always bought the latest in everything. I sat in a booster seat until I was 6 because my mom thought it was safer,me being a skinny small thing and all.lol boosters in those days had a large padded bar that went over your front. not the most comfy thing

apple a day,thats what they say

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

That would be my aunt Cynn. She was like this safety nut in the 80s. We thought she was strange because she told us to put on our safetybelts. We were use to our old man saying "shut all that noise up back there" and nothing about safety lol

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

I wasn't allowed to sit in the front seat during the 80s. I was too young. Only towards the end of the decade I remember doing it. I was living in the UK at that time, but that whole period is very foggy for me. I mainly remember Back to the Future (because I wast totally obsessed with it), Ghostbusters, Michael Jackson's Thriller and waking up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons and staying up late to watch 'V' behind my parent's back.

Timeless is such a throwback show. Not because its about time travel, but because it has a wholesome family vibe, despite being targeted at a youth (under 45) demo, which is rare today. There is no sex, and the violence is muted, plus the whole series surrounds positive morality. I'm usually more into the more darker and greyer adult themed Netflix style dramas now.


Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

I've watched all those shows too. For the same time we had Automan and the Greatest American hero too.

I've just checked. Wyatt and Rufus went to March 19, 1983. According to Imdb, that was indeed the day where Nancy Reagan cameo in Diff'rnt stokes happened. The A-Team episode is from 1983 but a little later (May) and Manimal didn't premiered until September. But even so, it all happened in 1983, so it was more or less ok.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

This is an awesome thread! Take notice IMDB, as this is an example of the the majority of these boards. The negative posters can be ignored. Thanks all. Oh and ps I freaking loved manimal and never wore a seat belt as a kid in NJ. The new law made us around when I got my license.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

You know what's really wierd? How the airplanes tell you in detail how to put a seatbelt on even when everybody supposedly does it every day in a car. I asked about this once and the flight attendant said they're required to say it by law.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

That particular line was extremely contrived and the response from the cop was just stupid. It didn't really ring true. I grew up in the '60s when a lot of cars didn't have seat belts. By the mid '70s (when I started driving), cars were required to have seat belts and they had beeping alarms if the seat belts weren't fastened. Many people still resisted seat belts for several years, though. Your experience in the '80s would not be unique, but more and more people were becoming more aware of the safety of wearing seat belts. By the mid '80s, I routinely wore my seat belt.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

My old man hung our with a bunch of. cops. None of those guys wore seatbelts. Just wasn't a thing back then. By the later 80s it became more prevalent.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Don't forget crawling up in the back window ledge when you were still young enough. That was always fun.

And obviously there were no seatbelts up in the eldge, haha

Liberals claim to love "others ideas", until they find out people actually have other ideas.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

When buzzers were first installed on cars to remind people to buckle up many folks I knew would pull a retractable seat belt out and tie a knot in it to silence the buzzer rather than buckle up. Many believed that it was better to be "thrown clear" in a accident rather than to risk being "trapped." Others insisted that they were "good" drivers and didn't need them.

Many parents were careful to buckle up their children but didn't wear their own seat belts. You see the same thing with life jackets today.

At the time the shoulder strap and lap belt were two separate pieces. After getting my license I wore the lap belt, which no one could see, but not the shoulder belt because no one else did so.

On early 70s Chevrolets if you disconnected the seat belt buzzer the car went dead electrically.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Remember station wagons? NOBODY worse seat belts in those things. When groups of kids (like on a field trip) would be in a station wagon, it was like play time in a clubhouse back there.

I gotta be honest, I still don't wear a seat belt very often. Although three times when I put it on I was in a major accident. Once I was a passenger and we hit a deer.

But I still hate the feeling of being buckled in.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Haha yes! My uncle had a bunch of kids they owned what we called a Mike Brady mobile. The wagon with the panel siding lol We would sleepover and pile up with my cousins in the wagon like pack of hotdogs. Funnier story my grandfather did cement work. Therefore his work truck was the family car as well. We drove to the Mets game piled up in the back of the truck. Can you imagine a parent doing this today? It would make national news lol

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Mike Brady mobile
EXACTLY!!! I was always jealous of the kids who had "Mike Brady Mobiles"!

And yes, riding in the back of pickups was commonplace. Now if you let your kid do that, you'd be in jail for child abuse.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

I got my driver's license in the mid-70s, and I always wore a seatbelt.

Of course, it was different when I was young, and we'd be all over the backseat that didn't even have seatbelts as far as I can remember. We'd even lie in the flat spot above the back seat and right against the rear window.

Perhaps the reason I always wore a seatbelt when I started driving was due to the fact my father was killed in a car accident when I was nine.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

Push for seatbelts were a big deal in the 80s. The authorities really pushed to get everyone to wear them. So it was a big inaccurate that the cop wouldn't wear a seat belt.

Not wearing seatbelts was more of a 70s thing.

Re: Were you wearing your seatbelt? lol Wanna hear from my 80s brethren

The funny thing is, even in the 21st century cops really don't tend to wear seatbelts, only if they're shifting into hot persuit they'll slip it on, otherwise they leave it off so if they have to get out fast to deal with a situation, it's not in the way.

It may vary by department, so no one needs to chime in that they do wear them in east bumblefudge where you live.

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