Sports : Would you bang Britt McHenry?

Would you bang Britt McHenry?

I would so get in line.

Re: Would you bang Britt McHenry?

Long discussion here:

Donald Trump is the weak man's vision of a strong man.

Re: Would you bang Britt McHenry?

Never heard of her.
So I looked her up.

F8ck no I wouldn't bang her. She's repulsive.
A nasty bimbo who looks about 45 years old without all the makeup slathered on.


Re: Would you bang Britt McHenry?

I'd never heard of her either so I looked her up. She's not my type (I hate the gleaming white teeth with a tan look) but if you wouldn't fv ck her you're a homo. I'd absolutely bang the dog sh it out of her.

I'd tell her to stay clear of the tanning booth and to lose the 120 watt veneers but from the pics I've seen she has a nice body and no red blooded heterosexual male would kick her out of bed.

Re: Would you bang Britt McHenry?


Re: Would you bang Britt McHenry?

I'm not a homo Jim. I simply have certain standards.
What I saw of her was thisa recording of a homely, haggard woman being a total c8nt in what seems to be a towing yard office. It seems to be her claim to fame.her 15 minutes as it were. There is absolutely n o t h i n g attractive about the woman in that video. I'm not nearly that desperate for sex. May have been briefly sometime around age 14 but that's a while ago now.
