Preacher : The Big Lebowski overrated?

The Big Lebowski overrated?

And "a sheit film"?

There goes any hope of me ever linking Cassidy. I mean, my friggin sig, man

That rug really tied the room together.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

Was an odd choice for ridicule I agree

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I think it's because finding someone who genuinely didn't enjoy The big Lebowski is a bit like finding someone who's least favorite Sesame street character is the Cookie monster.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

Well, I guess that's just like your opinion, man.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. He's objectively wrong, but that doesn't make me hate the character. :P

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I agree with him. Bridges character was hilarious, but the Dude can only abide so long before the joke wears thin. The movie was like an SNL sketch by Ben Stiller that went on too long.
But of course that's just my opinion and you could all be wrong.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man.

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I can get you a toe by 3 o clock this afternoon.


Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

You mean coitus?

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I think its probably an inside joke, since it's one of Seth Rogen's favorite movies?

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

That why Cassidy is now my fav character on the show. The Big Lebowski is extremely overrated.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I usually try not to condescend about film, about everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but anybody that does not like the Big L or finds it overrated, simply does not get it. Don't even try to argue that.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

that's stupid.

i loved the big lebowski and i thought that line was hysterical. why? because i don't get all butthurt about people having different opinions from mine.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

Pretty much, he explained it on the show after the finale.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I think the best arguments for things that are "overrated" are for the things that are rated INSANELY high.

For me, I think the movie Goodfellas is perhaps the most overrated movie of all-time. Now, I think Goodfellas is a very good movie it's just that I don't think it's the masterpiece that so many make it out to be.

The Big Lebowski is, in my opinion, also probably overrted inasmuch as I think it's absurd just how insanely highly-regarded the film has become. As such, I sorta enjoyed his stance

But, yeah, I totally think the movie's quite good

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I try to judge movies by what they set out to do, by what stories they try to tell and how the stories are told, as much as by how effectively the stories are told. "Goodfellas" didn't try to do too much narratvie-wise, which made it great and gave it room to focus on fun little details and dialogue. That's why it's great. But yeah it's not any sensible person's favorite movie.

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I guarantee Cassidy from the comics appreciated that movie as a similar lazy selfish a hole. This show isn't based on the comics though other than the telling people what to do thing.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

And "a sheit film"?

There goes any hope of me ever linking Cassidy. I mean, my friggin sig, man

I don't think you're always supposed to agree with Cassidy's opinions, so much as like him and find him entertaining.

"I speak Spanish to God, French to women, English to men, and Japanese to my horse."

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

He was right. I'm a big Coen Brothers fan and Lebowski is overrated. It has a few good lines but overall it's kind of lame.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

go home, Cassidy. you're drunk.


Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

Liked Fargo. Would watch again. Loved Raising Arizona. Watched many times.

I've tried four times to sit through The Big Lebowski, and only made it twice. I almost smiled when The Dude sat there grinning like an idiot in front of this one guy's desk..and that's it. The problem is, that this movie thinks it is funny, instead of BEING funny to watch. I've challenged people to tell me which scenes were funny, and why, and no one can seem to come across. I have an incredible sense of humor, and can even find it in mass shootings, but that movie..ugh.

I probably would give it a six out of ten for effort, but it failed for me. Therefore, I'm with Cassidy. I'll take Marge or H.I. McDunnough over The Dude any day of the week, and twice on Tuesdays.

Additionally, don't bother trying to convince me (here) of how great TBLeb was. I'm not coming back to this thread. Just agreeing with Cassidy.

"Hey, shut up in there, I'm trying to type.." OT: Do the voices in my head bother you?

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

Didn't The Big Lebowski get bad reviews when it came out? I remember Siskel and Ebert not liking it. Anyway, I agree that it's a shiet film.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

wow. the self-importance is strong with this one

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

wow. the self-importance is strong with this one

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

STFU Donnie!

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I don't think that it is a "sheit" film but agree that it is overrated. It was funny and I really liked it but it wasn't even my favorite Coen bros film. Always thought it was slightly odd how bonkers everyone was over it. Great movie, yes. I get it. I get the subtext and the characterizations are brilliant. However, it has a following that seethes with enthusiasm and defensiveness out of proportion to its level of quality.

Like steak and lobster is a grade A+ meal, right? But you aren't going to name your kids Steak and Lobster. Super-fans of Big Lebowski seem ready to name their kids Steak and Lobster.

I give it 8.5/10

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

No, single best movie of the 90ies, actually.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

LOVE that movie.

I have EXORCISED the demon

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I like The Big Lebowski, it's a funny movie and infinitely quotable, but it stands to reason that any movie that has festivals solely dedicated to it is, well, a tiny bit overrated.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

That's basically my line I disagree that the film's terrible, but I find it hard to argue that the film might not be overrated.

It's kinda like someone asking if the Beatles are overrated. Well think about it. The Beatles can't be underrated! It's impossible. So we can argue that they are in fact the greatest band ever and rated exactly right or we can tell ourselves that it's possible that they're at least slightly overrated, though possibly rated exactly right. But they darn sure aren't underrated! But even if they were overrated slightly that wouldn't make them anything but an unbelievably great band.

I think The Big Lebowski has almost certainly become overrated as well - which is NOT to suggest it's a bad movie at all.

That's the thing about the term "overrated" though it's not a simple judgment on the quality of something, but it's a comparison. In the same manner, I suppose we'd have to reason that Plan 9 from Outer Space is very possibly underrated though (and, again, not suggesting the film isn't dreadful when doing so).

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

I think the word "overrated" is a little overrated.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

He also thinks that Ladykillers, which is probably the Coen Brothers worst film, is fine.

Plus, his criticism doesn't make a lot of sense. The plot of Big Lebowski is completely comprehensible. What he may be pissed off at is that there's not a traditional heroic journey where the Dude solves all the problems in the story and learns a lesson by the end.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

The Big Lebowski is the best film of the 90's. Sorry Cassidy.

Re: The Big Lebowski overrated?

He is very very old, even if he doesnt look it.