Hidden Figures : Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

CelluloidAdmirer, Curmed52, CCR1633, TruthHurts001 do you have a life outside of the internet? I ask because I have gone into every thread looking for a discussion about the actual movie, and every time there is one of you four coming in with the negativity. Repeatedly. I mean, you guys respond quick. Sitting in front of your computer aching to press the send button because you already have a response quick.

We get it, you're pointing out the historical inaccuracies but did you do this for the boards of Jackie, The Founder, The Finest Hours, Eddie the Eagle, Sully or War Dogs?

I'm guessing you probably didn't but I'm betting you did do it for the Loving and Southside With You boards. Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't matter because I'm not going to come back on to respond lol.

All I wanted to do is talk about how uplifting this movie looks and I can't wait until it opens.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

All I wanted to do is talk about how uplifting this movie looks and I can't wait until it opens.

Translation: I would rather believe comfortable lies than believe uncomfortable truths.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Liberals love their feelings.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

It look like all you do is live comfortable lies based on generalizations and racism you POS.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Okay, talking about the movie. I knew about the book some time before, but I never felt the desire to read it. But, the trailer for the movie was so engaging that it's one I'm looking forward to. And I like historical movies.

I forgot who said it but someone said that people like to watch people being good at what they do. And they said that's why heist movies are popular. So, a movie about people being good at their job is another attraction.

Another thing I always like is seeing actors do something different than what they're best known for. I've never seen Empire (I know Taraji P Henson from Personal Interest) but I know Katherine Johnson is a very different person from Cookie, and I'm interested in seeing that.

Last, a few reviews mention how the movie portrays the friendships of the women and how they really depict the friendship, rather than just telling us they're friends. And I'm a sucker for a good friendship story.

Yes, I'm an American. And, prouder than ever after participating in the Doctor Who board on IMDB.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

All I wanted to do is talk about how uplifting this movie looks

No one is stopping you.

However, if you are a person that expects everyone to agree with you, this forum may take you out of your comfort zone.

Yo truthhurts. Here is an interesting principle

It kind of reminds me of that Simpson episode when Homer described paparazzi and freedom of speech. Of course they have it, but is it necessary to use it the way they do.

1 Corinthians 10:23

"Everything is permissible, but not everything is advantageous. Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive. " - Byington translation

" All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. - KJV

We all have opinions. But are they all constructive to express. What are your motives?

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus The Omoxus and the Omega

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Re: Yo truthhurts. Here is an interesting principle

These movies are released in January to piggyback on the MLK holiday and black history month.Its a marketing decision.You release your movie when the interest in the subject is highest.Common Sense.

Re: Yo truthhurts. Here is an interesting principle

You do know that films with black subjects are almost always made for a lower budget than most Hollywood films.Thats because they make these movies assuming that they have a limited audience.Movies like this and Straight Outta Compton prove that a good story can have a more universal appeal than Hollywood likes to believe.The theatre I saw it in today was mainly older white folks who like historical dramas.Hollywood may be liberal in theory,but not when it comes to green lighting movie projects and handing out budgets.

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Re: Yo truthhurts. Here is an interesting principle

I know you are just trolling here,but I will throw out some numbers for you.Twenty million,huh?
Red Tails-$49 million domestically
Selma-$52 million
42-$95 million
The Butler-$116 million
The Help-$169 million
The Blind Side-$255 million
I will leave out Straight Outta Compton($166 million) because I dont want to hear your racist BS about Blacks liking rap and gansta movies.

"…data entry employees…"

I'm fairly certain you're trolling, because I doubt anyone could be this stupid.

Computers working at Langley weren't "data entry employees". They were college graduates with degrees in mathematics. That's documented fact, not made-up Hollywood story.

The three women who are the focus of Hidden Figures were part of a group doing the same work and that group did, indeed, make the first US launches possible. This too is demonstrable fact. I knew about that group decades ago, learning about first the activities of that group during World War II, when they worked for NACA, which evolved into NACA.

If you honestly believe these women were "data entry employees", then you need help turning on your computer.

Robert Reynolds
Tucson AZ

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.-Oscar Wilde

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Dude, your expectations are too high. Just ignore them and do just that. Talk about the movie.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus The Omoxus and the Omega

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Lots of crazy, racist trolls on this board. Nothing you can do about it except ignore them.

"The end of the shoelace is called theIT DOESN'T MATTER!"

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

do you have a life outside of the internet?

Why would I assume that I don't have life outside of the internet? Because I respond to posts fast? Androids/IPhones are out there, you know.

And if you want to find any negativity, look at the posts from all of the racists/conspiracy theorist whackjobs responding. Also, is legit criticisms about the film, seen or not, and different opinions about it count as negativity these days?

We get it, you're pointing out the historical inaccuracies but did you do this for the boards of Jackie, The Founder, The Finest Hours, Eddie the Eagle, Sully or War Dogs?

I'm guessing you probably didn't but I'm betting you did do it for the Loving and Southside With You boards. Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't matter because I'm not going to come back on to respond lol.

I usually do for movies I have or had legit interest in seeing. I have zero interest in seeing Jackie, Loving, Eddie the Eagle or War Dogs. I have yet to see Southside With Me, The Finest Hour or Sully and The Founder has yet opened in my area.
I have made a point of it on the Masterminds board because I was intrigued with the Wells Fargo heist and I saw the film and it barely resembled the story since the original story was funny and interesting all by itself.
I've also talked about it after I saw 42 and Race and don't get me started on Pearl Harbor.

The reason I even brought it up here is because seeing the trailer and looked up the stories and articles about these women plus looked up the book this film is based on.
From the trailers and clips I've watched, it looked too much like a manipulative, stereotypical, cliched, by-the-numbers Lifetime biopic of the week directed by Tyler Perry that's taking the real stories and essentially dumbing it down for the mass audience. Even all the reviews that I've read have mentioned that by gave it a positive anyway.
I have mentioned that my expectations might a little too high and might be expecting way too much because when I heard of this, I was looking forward to an artistic, dramatic and accurate film along the lines of Apollo 13 or The Right Stuff (despite its major inaccuracies) and not something that borders on a fact-ional mainstream comedy.

I'm willing to give a fair chance with a open and clear mind despite everything I've said and give feedback even if it differs from other people's feedback and I hope to see what others are seeing so far.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

That's a very clear and concise response. I respect that.

And to that I say go see the movie. You'll be surprised at how well-made it is, how well-acted it is by everyone in it, and how it's more of a dramatic comedy than a flat-out comedy. The chemistry between the three leads is phenomenal, and that alone is worth the price of admission.

My only gripe is with Kirsten Dunst's character. Nothing against the actress, but the character is a little too hit-you-over-the-head at times.

Beyond that, though, the movie is no more inaccurate than any other movie that is based on true events.

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

You'll be surprised at how well-made it is, how well-acted it is by everyone in it, and how it's more of a dramatic comedy than a flat-out comedy.

It's the dramatic comedy part that worries me. I'm of the opinion that they're taking a great story and dumbing down for the general public.
I went and read all the reviews and even the reviews that raved about it have pointed out that it is cliche, pandering and by-the-numbers filmmaking and yet excusing all of that because of the subject matter. If this were an action film or a horror film, I doubt that they would be as forgiving but if you managed to enjoy the film, I tip my hat to you.
As I mentioned, perhaps my expectations are way too high.

Beyond that, though, the movie is no more inaccurate than any other movie that is based on true events.

Keep in mind, many people will see this movie and believe it all to be fact and it went down as the movie portrayed it.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

We all know that institutionalized racism was part of life during the time depicted in this movie. And, clearly, the responses from some of the contributors to this page make it clear that racism is alive and well today. One contributor says that these women played only a marginal roll, if that, in the space effort. I guess that means that the naming of a building in honor of Kathy Johnson on the NASA campus in Virginia was just part of some PC conspiracy. Another is obsessed over the fact that these women weren't really mathematicians. Like, man, who cares what they were called. Go back to counting the angels dancing on the head of a pin. Another says, with no proof, that the only reason the film was made was so that the government could pay to force school children to watch it during Black History month.

The best part of all this was that none of these people have seen the movie, or intend to do so. Movie? What movie? I'm only here to vent. Their motto should be 'my mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts'.

As to the movieit was just fine. Well acted, well paced, perfectly edited. To borrow Jim Carson's tag line, it was"spot on".

And for Celluloid, Curmed, CCR, Truth Hurts.I have some good news. The laundry called to say your hoods are ready.

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Just imagine if four whites had kidnapped and tortured a black.

Everyone black person in this country would scream "RACISM" and demand the death sentence.

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Google "Dietrich Idaho locker room" for a similar story with the races reversed that will turn your stomach. The assault happened in 2015, but articles last month indicated that the perpetrator is likely to get off with probation (in spite of committing a sexual assault following months of racial harassment). I'm surprised this has not been a focus of the national media, especially considering the parallels to the Chicago torture video. Sentencing is scheduled for next month, so we'll have to see if more attention is paid at that time.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

The article about this terrible act was on the front page of the NY Times. And on the network news. I would hardly call "playing down".

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

They just want to annoy you. Ignore them. They can't stop people from seeing the film.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

I very much enjoyed this film. The story, although simply told was a joy to watch and the acting of the ensemble, highlighted by the three female leads was brilliant. It was a pleasant, inspiring two hours.

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

My God people! will you just let it go? ALL films are manipulative, tug-at-the-heart-strings tall tales. Why get all bent out of shape about this one? It does smack of TROLL. Get a Life!

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

ALL films are manipulative, tug-at-the-heart-strings tall tales

So the Underworld franchise tugs at the heart strings?

Seriously though, the issue I have with this one is that it being done at the expense of the viewer's intelligence and this is going by everything I've seen and read about it thus far. It looks like the filmmakers doesn't trust the audience.

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

So why did you see it? So you could post 100 plus comments over several months about your hatred of black people? What a wasted Internet connection, waste of time, waste of a life. You aren't professional. Professionals use time to make money, improve their lives and have fun

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

I saw the movie Friday,and then with a friend today.The audience was mainly older white folks.

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Hi! I haven't seen the recent Underworld yet. But I must say, when Selene walked into the sunlight for the first time and Michael walked towards her, around five teardrops fell. And when Lucian saw how Selene and Michael reminded him of himself and Sonya and he told Selene how to save Michae's life with a bite from a vampire, I soaked up a whole napkin that I was using to wipe the popcorn butter off my hands, with tears. I will let you know if Hidden Figures (the movie or book) was a tear jerker if I ever have time to watch it. I am one those types of people who fight tears hard during a movie to the point where the back of my nasal cavity hurts so much that it forces out tears.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Aww.does different opinions that you don't agree with offend you?

Go back to coloring in your safe space.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

They are all cowardly keyboard cowards. Black keeps them woke at night. When my room is black I go to sleep

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

3 or 4 of the racist trolls are one person with multiple screen names. The responses are too rapid fire to for different people with lives

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

I can imagine that there are multiple people eagerly spouting their vitriol, but even more accurate is that they are just trolls

Trolls, who are either seeking new sources of revenue now that the election is over and they aren't getting their micropayments for carpeting social media with their simplistic hate-mongering and schoolyard taunting, or they are just "freelancing" xenophobes who (quite ironically) are the tender snowflakes, hypersensitive in their nostalgia for a time now long gone when mom stayed at home and raised the kids, and dad could make a good living as a blue-collar worker, and the lives of non-white, non-hetero, non-Christian "others" didn't intrude into the consciousness.

Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Well said, Last season's South Park really hit it on the head. I can only imagine a bunch of white trash or russian Gerald Broflovski's with multiple laptops trolling away to Def Leppard. Ive had to turn off the news sites because the trolls are so utterly repellent lately

{oo)==V==(oo} -Christine

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Re: Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

Good Grief! All I want to do is talk about the movie!

And you should!!!

Don't let the racist trolls overshadow that. The amount of time they spend on this board seems like they are paid Russian trolls who have nothing better to do than spend 24 hours/day on a board about a movie based on 3 black women.

Trolls don't bother replying to my posts. You've all been IGNORED

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