The OA : The Violin Case

The Violin Case

A lot of people are quite taken by the books under Prairie's bed. Has anyone addressed yet the violin that French finds in the closet. Only one scene before that, both French and Steve find the youtube clip of Prairie playing violin in the subway. This is one of the few parts of Prairie's story that can at least be confirmed as true - and importantly it includes the violin. In that case, we know for a fact that when Prairie left home (under whatever circumstances those may have been) she took her violin with her. Now only a few scenes later, French finds the violin case in her closet but there is no evidence that she was found with her violin seven years later.

I find it quite hard to believe that this is an oversight made by the filmmakers that within the space of minutes we should have these two moments. It seems that this is a fairly fundamental clue.

Re: The Violin Case

This has come up a couple times - Its a good catch!

A lot of people have been saying that the case is smaller than her usual one. Probably a child's sized one, as she did have a small one, so it's likely when she out grew the child's own she got another.

Re: The Violin Case

Good catch on noticing the violin case, but probably irrelevant. Most musicians keep multiples of the same instrument. I own half a dozen electric guitars, know a saxophone player with nearly a dozen saxes. It's less common to find a talent musician with only 1 of their instrument.

Re: The Violin Case

My wife plays violin and she owns 3 of them.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?

Re: The Violin Case

Yesit's been discussed many, many times. And it's not a good catch. I'm probably supposed to seem like damning evidence to French, but musicians often have multiple instruments and/or cases. We have absolutely no evidence it was the same case from the subway video.