Tallulah : Who were you rooting for? *possible spoiler*
Re: Who were you rooting for? *possible spoiler*
It's a lose lose for all involved. It's sad because Lu's life is probably ruined now because of the horrible mother.
Re: Who were you rooting for? *possible spoiler*
Honestly, I doubt it. It's implied that Margo is going to help in Lu's defense, so she'll have a good lawyer. There are two hotel employees who witnessed the fact that the mother was DEFINITELY placing the baby in a bad situation, and was likely drunk or high both before she left and when she came home. In the end, Lu did go back to the hotel to give the baby back, but got scared off by the policeman. And once the lawyer's done drawing out Lu's sob story of a past plus the fact that she even admitted in the phone call, which I'm sure the cops have recorded, that she thought she was doing the right thing, plus the fact that the Big Shot husband will probably try to downplay the whole thing so his wife's "extracurricular activities" don't become front-page news.. Honestly, I think they'll plead her down to something with a minimal jail sentence, possibly only probation if she doesn't have any major priors. The fact that she brought the baby to the hospital but still couldn't abandon her, even though she could have gotten away, will help her.
I mean, the cops have the van and all the stolen credit cards, so the combination could make things a lot worse. It honestly depends how willing or unwilling the cops are to pursue. The detective certainly seemed to understand where Lu was coming from, and the CPS lady was less-than-impressed with Trophy Wife's ability to be a mother. A good defense attorney would rip the wife apart in a minute and destroy her credibility and anything she says. I think Lu, washed up and dressed nicely, would make a really good impression on the jury. And the Trophy Wife, not so much.
I mean, the cops have the van and all the stolen credit cards, so the combination could make things a lot worse. It honestly depends how willing or unwilling the cops are to pursue. The detective certainly seemed to understand where Lu was coming from, and the CPS lady was less-than-impressed with Trophy Wife's ability to be a mother. A good defense attorney would rip the wife apart in a minute and destroy her credibility and anything she says. I think Lu, washed up and dressed nicely, would make a really good impression on the jury. And the Trophy Wife, not so much.
Re: Who were you rooting for? *possible spoiler*
My though was that the motherof Nico would persuade the mother of Maddie/Maggie not to press abduction charges.
Who were you rooting for? *possible spoiler*