Suicide Squad : 'Makes fantastic four look good'

'Makes fantastic four look good'

-peter travers

Ripperoni neverforgetti martha

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

That's impossible.


Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

I doubt it.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Vanity Fair said the same thing.


Can't wait to ruin the experience for people sitting next to me in the theater

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

I don't doubt "Suicide Squad" is bad but, considering "Fantastic Four" was almost an unfinished film, that is a ridiculous statement for Travers to make. It's pure hyperbole.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

considering "Fantastic Four" was almost an unfinished film

Suicide Squad looks similarly cobbled together, though. FF is worse, but that doesn't help SS.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Suicide Squad is a complete film, reedited by the company who shot the film's trailer, at the studios behest.

Fantastic Four wasn't even shooting off a finished script. I don't even know who is responsible for writing and directing the last half hour of that film.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

That's pretty harsh. It can't be that bad.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Hyperbole which doesn't solidify any trust in reviewer.

p.s. yes I saw actual movie.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Doubt it.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

I fully believe this film is a mess, but no way is it worse than Fant4stic. I know this because there are at least a few scenes that are good in this film. Not only were a couple moments in the trailers worthwhile, but the majority of critics are saying the opening was pretty good.

Fant4stic had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Every single scene was a disaster.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

That can't be true. Fantastic Four didn't even seem to want to exist. I'll take a jumbled mess than an unfinished, boring waste of time. Suicide Squad at least looks like it's trying to have fun.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

AGREED! I saw both in theaters (F4 was a cheap theater) & the only thing that could have helped FAN4STIC is if, in the middle, for no reason @ all Howard The Duck walked on screen & asked "How do you like me now QUACKERS?" & 'flipped the bird!' This movie was an editing nightmare but only there, @ least some of these peaople seemed to be trying & enjoying themselves 'If you pretend to have fun, you might accidentally have some real fun by mistake'-paraphrasing Alfred in BATMAN BEGINS

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Taking time to digest both films now over time yes, even FF wasn't as bad as this movie. This movie was canned and cut up so badly that it making money is baffling.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

I *THINK* you missed my point. I was saying that @ least SUICIDE SQUAD had some fun for the actors/actresses & audience, FAN4STIC IRONICALLY made viewrs think of suicide more that the squad w/ suicide in their name FFS! I'm not starting an argument, I simply wonder if you see what I am saying?

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Suicide Squad is a finished film, even though it is shaky in parts. It is also a Suicide Squad film, even though the characters are changed a bit, especially visually.

Fantastic Four isn't really a finished film. It stops, then some different material is edited in (with Kate Mara in a wig), then it abruptly stops and that's it. Fantastic Four is also not a Fantastic Four product. The family relationship does not exist. Ben and Sue literally never say one word to each other. I will buy nearly anything Fantastic Four, but my collection doesn't need this. That man who ran out on his pals when they were changing and Ben was terrified and begging Reed to stay and help that man is not Reed Richards.

There's also the basic fact that Suicide Squad is fun and Fantastic Four is not.


Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Those critics were just trying to be funny. Everyone knows that 'Fantastic Four' is a complete waste of time. 'Suicide Squad' isn't a good movie, but it's light-years ahead of Fantastic Four. I actually enjoyed myself watching SS. It just didn't have a good story though. FF was just a boring dreck. Can't even make fun of it.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

You're right, and I hope the critics were just trying to be funny.


Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

you know a person's full of sh#t when he says something like that.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

They're both *beep* films. Saying someone is full of *beep* for thinking this was worse is not full of crap.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

no he is full of crap.

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

I'd rather rewatch suicide squad given the choice between the two. in order to make suicide more tolerable I'd mostly just fast-forward the beginning. in order to make f4ntastic more tolerable I'd probably need a lobotomy.

if you don't have anything nice to say you're probably a butthole

Re: 'Makes fantastic four look good'

Kate Mara -} Margot Robbie