Passengers : Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

So we are supposed to hate a man for waking up someone for companionship. Inser patriarchy and "male entitlement". Well women do this all the *beep* time by bringing in kids into the world they cant afford or know will have a *beep* existence, just so they can have companionship.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)


Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

In case you didn't know, it takes both a man and a woman to have a baby! Women can't do it alone!
Get a vasectomy if you are that stupid!

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

They can and have done it: by stealing a used condom; by lying about their "protection"; by pretending to have taken a "day after" pill, and many other methods. Vagina is not a guarantee of great personality with fantastic integrity.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

If you don't know someone don't just believe everything they say.

This is all about selfishness and not wanting to take responsibility for your own actions. you got someone preggos?? Well that's your own damn fault - whether she lied or not. Don't leave your "used condom" lying around for her to pick up and turkey baste herself. Make sure you don't get someone THAT desperate to have your offspring - the signs are ALWAYS there.

can't outrun your own shadow

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

A father to his son, "All those girls you are seeing, I hope you are taking precautions".
"Of course Dad, I always give a false name."

The problem is that wider society has to pick up the financial and other burdens, whichever side is to blame.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

A good rule on firearm safety is, "Only point it somewhere where you wouldn't mind the bullet going" ; even if it is unloaded, your finger is off the trigger, the safety is on, etc.

In the same way, "Don't have sex, if pregnancy by that person would be a disaster". Getting naked into bed with someone, and hoping nothing will happen ; might be equally risky.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

exactly! LOL

can't outrun your own shadow

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

So all blame is on men? How is that possible? You think women do not know it is possible for them to get pregnant? Because you act like only man can take responsibilies and be smart and responsible while woman can act however she likes?

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

I wasn't being one-sided.

The advice to only point a gun where you wouldn't mind the bullet going, can be matched with the advice to not stand in front of a loaded gun.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

It's your body then it should always be your fault,
I'm sorry but the law is flawed.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

good point

so many movies, so little time

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

I think you can have a discussion about this without it being about gender by simply making this about one person waking another. I saw it more as a morality issue.

For me, that's how I personally took it. I'm a woman and to me, it wasn't a gender issue, or about male bashing.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

Yeah same

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

Children are a responsibility not companionship.

Waking up at 3am to breastfeed a crying baby isn't exactly companionship.

A stupid man will easily get into that kind of situation.

can't outrun your own shadow

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

OP. You're being ignorant and illogical.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

You've got some messed up ideas, OP.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

OP is correct. Lot of sheltered morons in this thread.

Re: Women do it all the f'n time! (Spoilers)

Ignoring some of the more absurd leaps of logic you're trying to make I think the crux of your argument is that Jim acted selfishly and anyone that wants to "attack men" by complaining about that should realize that women are also capable of acting selfishly in at least moderately comparable ways.

Bully for you. But way to be the "good guy" here by trying to rationalize people doing despicable things because you can't get past some stupid idea of "us versus them" and you want to defend your man brothers.

Yes, women can do terrible things. Yes, women can rape men! Any complaints that this endorses the patriarchy or promotes "rape culture" or anything else wouldn't be an attack against everyone that has an XY chromosome it's simply an attack on a less than ideal world that we could improve upon if we worked together to try and make it better.

You're not defending men with your original statement, you're just being a part of the problem by dismissing it and its relevance and if anything you're encouraging an "us versus them" attitude and encouraging a "war" between the sexes. Shame on you.

Most of all though, I just hate the kind of asinine logic that tries to justify terrible behavior with the "reasoning" that there are equally or even worse acts that exist. Okay, so this guy killed one person but there are serial killers out there that have gotten away with killing multiple people so, who cares? They're both terrible and that in no way excuses other terrible acts.