NCIS : McGee and the newbies

McGee and the newbies

While I miss Tony and Ziva so much, I think McGee is being shortchanged with all the fuss about the newbs. McGee is a great character - brilliant, funny, not much ego, and has the potential to lead in a new and exciting way. Instead of developing that enough, the writers are spending time on Jennifer Esposito (flat and boring as she was in Blue Bloods IMHO)and Vilmer who is just too over the top testosterone. I never thought new characters would make me long for more Bishop, but they do. And McGee deserves better treatment. He deserves his time to shine. Anybody else out there fans of McGee?

It is never too late to have a happy childhood - Cutter John

Re: McGee and the newbies

I am a McGee fan but I miss his scenes with Tony.
There's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.

Re: McGee and the newbies

I actually like Vilmer because he doesn't cow down to Gibbs. He's not afraid to show he doesn't always agree with Gibbs' ways. But I think that since McGee is engaged, he'll be getting more sceen time.

Re: McGee and the newbies

With McGee being engaged, I hope we see more of Deliah

Re: McGee and the newbies

That would be nice but there are some fans and viewers who have expressed the desire not to see as much personal side of the team.
Mark Harmon and NCIS Fan

Re: McGee and the newbies

I would like to see more of McGee.
There is (was) potential for his quietly competent agent to flourish now that he is not Robin to Tony's Batman.

Horrible though it may be, I wouldn't be sad to see Quinn sacrificed to ratings, "one of their own is killed".

With McGee being engaged, I hope we see more of Deliah
Only if it has to do with inter-bureau cooperation.

Re: McGee and the newbies

She can wheelie her lame ass onto the NCIS HQ for the morning coffee clutch and around noon they can think about getting some work done after lunch.

Meanwhile McTurd continues to whine and moan so he can get more free stuff and discounted apartments from his co-workers. I would like to see an enemy of Dinozzo, like one of the psycho terrorists that also hated Ziva, show up at McTurds and blow up his apartment, while McCripple was inside cooking dinner.

Re: McGee and the newbies

I think McGee is being shortchanged with all the fuss about the newbs. McGee is a great character - brilliant, funny, not much ego, and has the potential to lead in a new and exciting way.

I agree, I'm a big fan of McGee, but considering the way the show is going, I think he'll continue to be shortchanged unless maybe he decides to become a transsexual Muslim.

McGee getting less focus has been the best part of the newbies

The show is better when it focuses less on McGee because Sean Murray has the screen presence of a wet blanket. That was actually one of my biggest issues with seasons 12 and 13 - too much focus on McGee. He should never be more than a second tier supporting character and in seasons 12 and 13 he moved up to a first tier supporting character. The show was right to dial that back this year.

Re: McGee getting less focus has been the best part of the newbies

I keep a picture of Sean McTurd by my bed so that I can keep myself from having an orgasm during sex by looking at his picture.

Re: McGee getting less focus has been the best part of the newbies

Wouldn't simply taking your hand off yourself have the same outcome?